Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Interval Training - What Is It?

What is Interval Training and what does it do for you? Interval Training, otherwise known as HIT is a cardiovascular exercise, usually done with weight lifting activities while alternating lower and higher maximum intensity in order to make the body work harder.

Interval Training works like a charm because when you train this way, your body creates a deficit of oxygen. When you work so hard, your body is always depleted of oxygen, hence, your body needs more to recover. And when this happens, your metabolic rate increases. Therefore, you also burn more calories, which results to you burning more fats, right?

By doing Interval Training, your body also builds up a large amount of lactic acid. And that lactic acid helps burn more carbohydrates. And again, as a result, you are burning more calories in the process. So now you probably would want to incorporate Interval training in your diet, huh? So know you ask, "how can I do that"?

To get in shape, all you need is a treadmill or a stationary bike. Use your stop clock and you are ready!

Start by proper warm up exercises. You can jog or do a little stretching here and there. Set the rowing machine's resistance to a lower end but not too light that you could almost feel no effort on your part. Start rowing at a steady and moderate pace for 90 seconds. Then start rowing fast for 30 seconds and then start rowing slow again for another 90. You keep repeating this pattern at least 8-10 times.

You do not have to do this kind of exercise daily. Give your body a time to recuperate. You can take a leisure walk the next day if you like. Or you can go do have some yoga fun with your friends.

So now you can get fit and lean so easily. All it takes is the right amount of execution of your exercise routine. If you are too tired to do some exercises the next day, then, you can always give your body a rest. Exercise should be fun - so don't push your body too hard.

Anthony Falconer is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for a few fitness magazines in Toronto Canada. His has helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. My systematic Training for Fat Loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Anthony's bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

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