Monday, February 24, 2014

Diabetes Healing Through Yoga

Diabetes is often associated with loss of energy as a result of the body failing to absorb and utilize glucose properly. Diabetes is also associated with irritability which unfortunately can lead to emotional stress which is known to aggravate the condition of a patient. Being a chronic condition, diabetics are called upon to learn to manage themselves in order to prolong their lives. The good news is that when managed properly, a patient can live a long, normal and productive life.

One of the goals of diabetes treatment that most hospitals will aim for is to educate their patients on ways of managing their condition. The success of treatment over the long haul must combine two important ingredients: Knowledge on what to do and what not to do and the discipline to carry it out as a life style. Physicians recommend that diabetics eat healthy diets and engage is physical activity consistently. For most patients, if this is properly adhered to, they will live healthy as though they do not have the condition.

The discipline required to live such a life style is not beyond the reach of patients. It only requires that a patient gets started on the right path. It is important that a patient develops the right mental discipline as this is necessary to resist temptations to indulge unhealthy diets. The mind can be trained and helped to develop the right connections with the body. When the mind is properly controlled, then it is able to better control the urgings of the body. One of the most recommended ways to discipline the mind is through meditation.

Besides mental discipline, the body also needs to develop the discipline necessary to keep in step with the mind. This involves purposeful physical exercises. Certain stretching exercises and body postures are also known to stimulate and circulate energy in the body - something that diabetics really need.

Mental and body exercise is very useful for diabetics because it helps them adhere to necessary prescriptions such as controlling diet and regular exercise. This in turn controls their blood pressure and blood sugar and improves overall quality of life. Studies have shown that meditation and certain physical exercises reduce stress, depression and improve overall quality of life.

As most individuals will not be able to initiate and sustain such a life style on their own, it is important that patients get necessary support to succeed. Working through frameworks such as Dahn Yoga Centres will provide such support. Dahn Yoga has the benefit of combining both the mind and body as areas of focus. Here participants will learn meditation, stretching techniques and certain body posturing that will help improve their conditions quickly and enable them to live normal fulfilling lives.

Hi I'm Christopher and I have been practicing Dahn Yoga almost 3 years now. Dahn Yoga is a simple system of yoga based on traditional Korean mind / body / energy exercises that have been modernized by founder Ilchi Lee. Dahn yoga cult [], no it is not a cult. Dahn Yoga has been around for nearly 30 years and it is still growing. Dahn Yoga promotes health, happiness and peace.

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