Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Yoga For Strengthening The Lower Back

Strengthening the lumbar area or lower back can augment your performance in almost all types of sports in the process of maintaining a routine free from injury. One way of doing this is through the practice of yoga.

The lower back acts as a fulcrum for the human body, sort of a hinge that joins the lower body to the upper body. The structure of this area is designed to twist from one side to the other, bend backward, forward, right and left. This ample range of movement causes the area considerable stress in our day-to-day activities.

The muscles of the lumbar region serve as shock absorbers when running, jumping or falling. They stop the shock from traveling up the spinal vertebras, spinal disks & their ligaments. These areas are not equipped to take excessive straining; in the long run they become vulnerable to tearing & rupturing.

Strong muscles in this area support the vertebral column by maintaining its natural curves. The curves are designed to distribute the forces equally and offer stability during movement. When the curvature becomes excessive because weak muscles cannot provide enough support, that's when pain is felt in this area as well as in other sections of the body. Strong lumbar muscles in collaboration with strong abdominal muscles help counteract the effect of gravity by lengthening the vertebral disk spaces. This puts a stop to their grinding against each other as you are in motion.

A 3-time champion of the World Flying Disc Federation, Janet Wong met an accident which caused her to deal with severe back pain. The doctors did everything in their power to correct this. They even tried physical therapy but all their efforts proved futile.

She turned to yoga, which she had been practicing for 1-? years. She invested patience on the habitual practice of asana hoping that she could play Frisbee again. It took a little over a year for the determined athlete to reap the fruits of her toil. Little by little the pain diminished until she played again without feeling a continuous discomfort.

The practice of yoga enabled her to specifically build a sturdy yet limber back and abdomen. The core of the body, of which the lower back is a component of, is the center of power. If this core is well built, then any dynamic individual is capable of jumping, running, & twisting adeptly.

The Dandasana or Staff Pose and the Trikonasana or Triangle Pose coupled by forward bends will strengthen these muscles creating a "natural girdle."

Are you interested in undergoing yoga teacher training? Get it at our institute, we can grant certifications for yoga teacher training course s.

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