Sunday, March 30, 2014

Harmony and Balance

On the eighth day of the eighth month of the eighth year of this century, at 8:08.08 pm the Summer Olympic Games will begin in Beijing China. The number eight spoken in Mandarin (ba) sounds a lot like the word which means "prosper", therefore many Chinese believe it to be an auspicious number, certainly August 8th 2008 will be an auspicious date for China and also the World.

During the following days, the world will be treated to a brief, yet amazing exhibition of what the human body, mind and spirit is capable of when pushed to the limits of speed, stamina, stress, and determination.  

For a brief but valuable time the world will hopefully sit back and revel in the beauty of life and the mystery of the mind, body and spirit that is us. Hopefully we will be proud of who we are, and of those that represent mankind in physical form.  

Harmony and Balance, that is what it is all about, the Tai-Chi student can feel this, the Yoga enthusiast can sense it, the Wushu practitioner embraces it, the Master teaches it,. and the Olympic Athlete will be it, and the world will be briefly, a better place.  

The question is how can we maintain healthy, mind body spirit unity.  

Discipline, education, training and good health are key to the mind, body, spirit balance.  

Discipline removes chaos.

Many of us live a chaotic lifestyle, rushing here, stopping there, only to rush somewhere else, fearing that we will miss something of quality. Searching for the next fulfilling moment, we miss the moment completely. Perhaps, we should schedule quality time for ourselves. Discipline can take many forms; it could be following a schedule, adhering to a diet, practicing a healthful exercise.  

Education replaces ignorance.

We live in a time that information is constantly swirling around us, but what do we really know? Perhaps we should be more educated about ourselves, who we are, how are bodies work, what is good for us, how can we improve our mind, our body, our spirit?  

Training builds knowledge and self esteem.

Learn to do new, healthful, beneficial things that will uplift the spirit. Perhaps you can find a teacher that you can trust and respect, one that will not only teach, but also guide. Train in a subject you can be passionate about, and believe in, and one that will help you become a better person.  

Good Health allows continuity.

Taking care of your health, eating the foods your body needs, exercising, and meditation, may allow you to enjoy life and persevere when the going gets rough. Good health allows your training, education and your disciplines to expand your universe and add balance and harmony to your lifestyle.  

Harmony and Balance, like the Olympic athletes, we too should strive for the perfection of mind body and spirit.

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