Thursday, April 3, 2014

How is Your Back Pain? Part 2


By practicing yoga, tension is often released and blood flow is increased, which means your muscles are getting added nourishment, ultimately creating and training a healthy body.

There are many forms of yoga, choose one that you are happy with and can relate well to your instructor. You may find that one area of yoga gives you more than another. From a yoga point of view, overall wellness and longevity begins with a healthy spine. Yoga practice has been proven one of the most effective ways to restore joint health, relieve muscular tension, and improve strength. Consider alternate therapies also. Reiki for one plays an important role in increasing a patient's overall health and ability to recover from medical problems and treatments. Many doctors are now verifying that yoga is beneficial in treating a number of health problems, including back pain.


Yoga is designed as a series of healing exercises that work to promote the health of both the mind and the body. Yoga also focuses on the mind, allowing the pain sufferer to benefit from awareness, further giving them control over the pain. You should open your mind and consider a gentle exercise and breathing, such as yoga, which is non-evasive, as a method to relieve pain; it is certainly worth a shot.

Using the breath in this way, with intention and mindfulness, exponentially increases the effectiveness of positions and exercises. The sequences flow smoothly with the breath, stretching and strengthening the body, focusing the mind and opening the heart to this moment, while addressing your specific needs. Yoga accepts you where you are and invites you to discover what riches can be uncovered when the body, mind, and spirit are explored together.

With exercise, your state of mind has an enormous influence on how far you can fold forward, bend back, or twist. An ancient proverb says, what the mind can see, the body can do. With this approach, your lifelong wellness, in a unique way that integrates your body, mind and spirit.

Another excellent way to complement and strengthen your yoga practice is to join it with body-mind disciplines. We are not saying that your pain is all in your head; rather, we are saying that the battle going on in your mind results in a real physical disorder that may affect muscles, nerves, tendons, or ligaments. According to Sarno, the mind tricks you into not facing repressed emotion by making you focus on pain in the body.

Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher. Glen is a yoga expert who loves to teach you how to lose your neck, shoulder or back pain with yoga. He is dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain.

To help you further with your back, neck and shoulder pain you need to sign up for your FREE "Yoga and You" report at

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