Sunday, March 30, 2014

How to Visualize Healing Your Body

If you have read the title of this article and you first response is 'give me a break!' do not worry: you are in good company. Most of us might consider it completely outlandish for anyone to seriously believe that they can simply use the power of positive thinking (an intangible process) to cause body healing (a tangible condition). But if you really think about it, the power of the mind plays a bigger role in our condition than we might care to acknowledge. Remember that time you sat next to someone in the bus, train or plane, who had a persistent cough or sneeze throughout the journey? Didn't you unconsciously start to feel a sore throat and fever develop only for a visit to your doctor to end up completely dispelling your fears? In effect, you thought you were ill and unconsciously started to 'act out' the symptoms of the illness your thought you suffered from.

Looking at the history of mankind, the power of the mind (often referred to as the spirit or soul in different cultures) has been an integral part of human culture for millennia. In fact, the reliance of an intangible force to propagate healing actually preceded the use of any externally applied or oral medication. Even though great strides have since been made in the field of medicine and human health, the power of applying mind over matter as far as body healing is concerned has remained relevant to this day; and for good reason.

The healing power unleashed by first visualizing body wellness in the mind before it actually takes place is real if the positive effects of placebos is anything to go by. Studies have consistently demonstrated the effect of placebos in unwitting patients solely due to their belief that what they are taking is actually medicine whereas it is a sugary and otherwise harmless substance. The reason for the improvement in their health condition was more because they believed that they would be healed than anything to do with the power of the medication itself. Of course, the best approach is usually to combine both visualization techniques as well as actual medication.

Another classic example of the power of the mind over the body can be demonstrated by what happens to us when we watch different types of movies. Watching either a moving love story or a film with a tragic end (both of these being a play on our though process) leads to the shedding of tears of sadness (a physical effect). Similarly, watching a movie in the horror or thriller genres (again, these work through the visual communication to the mind) sometimes leads to sweating and a faster heartbeat (tangible effects). Of course there is a scientific explanation to all this but it can be summed up in a simple statement: every thought we have triggers a body response, whether an action or a reaction. For instance, a certain visual image triggers a specific thought that then triggers the release of adrenalin release, the 'fight or flight' hormone.

Visualization is based on the premise that the sum total of who we really are is actually based on who we think we are. The awareness of our own persona, our realities and our belief systems, is often informed by a series of events that have happened to us or we have witnessed over time. Often, these events are things that have happened to us or statements that we have heard over and over again. Visualization involves the deliberate exertion of positive thought so as to deliberately move our beliefs and realities in a specific predetermined direction. In the context of body healing, repeatedly visualizing healing and other positive thoughts eventually leads to a strong bond between that which is in the mind and what is happening on the body.

For you to realize the healing power from visualization, the first thing you must do is to define your objectives. That is, what specific body condition would you like healed? Next thing you must do is to set aside time each day to reflect on this positive picture. A quiet place would be most ideal. Your visualization must be accompanied by verbal affirmation to ensure you stay on track. Note that you might not see the results immediately. Therefore, do not give up if you do not see any changes after going through the motions for a few days. It might take a number of weeks or months.

Angel S. likes to write articles about self improvement, diet, exercise and now you can visit her website at

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