Monday, May 12, 2014

Weight Loss With Yoga - Myths and Facts of Weight Loss With Yoga

Can you achieve weight loss with yoga? How effective is weight loss with yoga?

The origins of yoga can be traced back to thousands of years ago to the yogis and monks in India. Yoga symbolizes the union of the body and the mind. That is why yoga is widely popular as a stress reliever worldwide. Apart from the numerous health benefits, yoga is also known to be effective in weight loss.

There are different types of yoga that you can take to reduce weight. Some of the more popular forms of yoga are Bikram yoga, Hatha yoga, Kundalini yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Power Yoga etc. Each form of yoga offers its own benefits and the common thread governing all these forms of yoga is the science of breath.

Yoga asanas or the exercise poses help you burn calories just like any other activities. The more time you can spend on performing these asanas the better for you. Depending on the complexity of these yoga poses, you can lose quite a number of calories.

Some forms of yoga such as Bikram yoga where you are confined to a room with high temperatures may help you burn more calories.

Since your body and mind are relaxed, you will also find yourself having a better sleep. A better sleep is also essential for a healthy body and assists in weight loss. Studies have shown that people with lesser sleep tend to weigh more.

Also you will find yourself motivated and focused in your weight loss efforts as you do yoga on a consistent basis. This is because yoga helps in making changes in your lifestyle and eating habit at an unconscious level.

Before you take up Yoga or try to follow the asanas as done on a DVD, it is advisable that you talk to your doctor about it and schedule an appointment with a trained Yoga instructor to discuss what you expect from yoga.

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