Sunday, May 11, 2014

Conditioning For Surfing - Basic Training For Beginners

If you are only ever starting how to surf the waves, then you should know that the first steps to conditioning for surfing should always be done on dry land. Otherwise, you might be spending more time simply floating about, or even opening the possibility of injuring yourself out in the waters. So how exactly do you conditioning yourself before you hit the water running? Here are some tips you can try.

1. Get to your ideal weight through diet and exercises. Nothing can throw you off your board faster than you carrying extra poundage on your midsection, hips and thighs. Although you can surf with a beer belly hanging down your front, you are most likely not to perform well when the waters become rougher. Needless to say, "surfing" on placid waters is like floating about in a kid's pool. Try to trim down to the nearest approximation of your ideal weight, and you will find that your endeavors out in the waters would become much easier.

2. Stretch whenever possible. One of the most favorable qualities you would need is to become physically flexible. You should always do stretching exercises as part of your conditioning for surfing exercise regimen. Upper body stretching, particularly those that are dedicated to strengthen arms and shoulders are essential, especially when you paddle out to the waves. Spine stretching exercises would help develop the necessary muscles -- back and abdominal muscles, to be precise -- that will help you maintain your balance while on your board. Lastly, lower body stretches would help strengthen the joints and ligaments of your hips, knees and ankles. At the same time, this would promote longer musculature for your thighs, legs and calves too.

Just one note though: stretch your muscles gently. Try not to push yourself too far. Damaged ligaments and joints would hinder your performance on the waves, and can make further training a very painful experience.

3. Balancing exercises. Again, maintaining perfect balance is critical when riding the waves. As a beginner, it would be hard enough just to stay afloat on your board while you remain upright. But once you start cruising the waves, your body must automatically adjust itself in order to ride tougher waters. Your conditioning for surfing exercise regimen should therefore include workouts that will teach you how to maintain balance. Some of the best ones you can subscribe to are: yoga, tai chi and dancing.

Land based sports like skating and rollerblading can also teach you balance, as with water based sports like wakeboarding and sailing.

Damian Papworth, a keen surfer, does surf yoga every day. This is one of the best ways to ensure you are fit for your next Gold Coast holiday.

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