Sunday, February 3, 2013

Choosing Between a Home Gym and Commercial Gym - Part 2 - Training

When you begin a new workout program or move into a new area, you need to decide whether you are going to join a commercial gym or if you are just going to workout at home.

There are basically 3 areas to consider when you are trying to decide between working out at a commercial gym rather than at home:




In this article, we'll discuss the difference between training at home and training at the local fitness center.

The average American does not know how to lift weights safely, nor would he or she know how to put together a functional fitness routine. You could easily hire somebody to come to your home to train you, but most commercial gyms have trainers on location that will usually be cheaper than hiring somebody. At the commercial gym, you always know that your trainer will be there, and they can show you the proper and safe ways to complete your workouts.

Along with personal training, there are often group classes at the gym. You may be able to learn about weight training in a group environment, or just have a group activity that is more fun than doing something alone. A spin class can be a lot easier with a neighbor to talk to, and yoga is much less repetitive with an instructor than when you are watching the same DVD over and over again.

As with lifting, having the personal attention and feedback from an instructor or trainer can help you make much faster gains while learning new activities, and encourages better form. This will help to keep you from injuring yourself or doing too much too soon.

If you already know how to safely lift weights, and you can put together a workout regimen or else follow one from a book, then you still may want to work out at the local fitness center so that you can get somebody to spot you when you are tired.

When you work out at home, light workouts can be done on your own. However, when you want to push your limits then you will need to arrange to have somebody available to spot you or else you risk hurting yourself if you can't successfully complete a set. When you are at the gym, most people will be more than willing to give you a quick spot on a set, even if they are just another person working out and aren't a trainer. Just ask them, and be ready to return the favor if somebody asks you for a spot.

Blaine Moore is a running coach in Southern Maine with 20 years of training and racing experience. Download his free report, The 3 Components of an Effective Workout, to learn why the work you put in during your training is only the third most important factor that determines how well you improve as a runner and an athlete.

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