Sunday, February 3, 2013

Exercise and What You Should Know

It's a well-known fact that exercise has many benefits. Appearance, health, vitality and strength are some of the common reasons why it's beneficial to get moving.

What isn't always commonly known is how to safely and effectively return to exercise after a hiatus. Let's cover the serious aspects of fitness first; then we'll get creative and have some fun!

There are factors to consider when getting back into exercising. Age, current lifestyle, medical issues (past and current), medications and genetics all play a part in how we should exercise. It's always best to speak with your physician before starting any fitness/exercise plan.

For example, if you have high blood pressure and take medication for the condition, it's important to work with your doctor to determine your maximum attainable heart rate. Beta blockers, which are common blood pressure medications, are meant to reduce the workload on the heart. While you exercise, it's crucial that you monitor your heart rate so you are consistently within the safe range determined by your physician or other health care professional.

Once we decide to get fit,we tend to jump right back in to exercising after long periods of inactivity. Whether it's been months, years or decades, start your fitness program by slowly incorporating workouts back into your life. (Make sure your physician has given you the green light and ask for guidance on the intensity, duration and frequency of your program).

Resistance/Strength Training should be done every other day at first to allow sufficient time for the bones and muscles to adapt to the new demands being placed on them. Allow yourself a few weeks of this routine and then it will be time to re-evaluate your fitness routine based on your progress. If you would prefer to exercise more often than three days a week, do some cardio activities on the days in between strength training. Also, consider consulting with a personal trainer if it's in your budget. The right one can guide educate and support you on your journey to being fit and healthy. Watch for more details on how to select a trainer in an upcoming issue.

Finally and most importantly, make fitness fun! The best way to work-out and to stick with it is to engage in activities that you enjoy. If walking is your thing, walk with people you love spending time with for extra moral support. If you've always liked tennis, hit the court. Swimming, yoga, group fitness on the beach, rock-climbing walls, super-circuits, dancing, even taking a longer walk with your dog will add benefits to your fitness levels and will help burn fat and calories. Exercise also helps with stress reduction and encourages better sleep.

If you allow yourself the time to reintroduce fitness the right way, you'll build strength, endurance and agility with ease. This is your new lifestyle. There is no need to hurry. Just enjoy the journey. Your body will have no choice but to show the improvements on more levels than you know!

Dana Gore is a Certified Personal Training Specialist (CPTS).
In addition to many years in the fitness industry, her solid education and personal experiences with her own weight issues add credibility and heart to her advice.

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