Thursday, April 4, 2013

My Market Niche - What's the Topic of Expertise I'll Be Offering?

From marketing to e-learning, whether you're doing seminars, presentations, video or e-courses, I have found the following to be a wonderful way to determine what your topic of expertise will be.

I focus on what I feel I'm good at and what others have told me I'm good at for that niche.

Those two are critical. Many times you feel you're good at something, but others haven't told you that. If you get feedback from others that you're good at something chances are they're in that market niche we just talked about.

More importantly, chances are you're really good at it, because they've given you feedback.

That's called an unsolicited testimonial.

If you look at topics of expertise make sure they're behavior centered. In other words they're verbs not nouns. Let me show you what a topic of expertise is as a verb; it's what you do, not what it is.

For example:

Changing limiting beliefs - that's an area of expertise.

Creative writing - that's a verb it's writing creatively. If you teach that that's a verbalization of the writing style; what type of writing creative writing so that's a topic of expertise.

Time management - is a topic of expertise. I like to call mine action management, because I rebrand time management; I don't think you can truly manage time. You can manage actions within time, but you can't manage time. It's coming and leaving and it can't be recreated. Actions can be, so you have more control with actions.

You can re-brand topics of expertise, which have been branded out there just like action management pluses time management.

Yoga - doing yoga is a verb so if that's your topic of expertise that's great, but that's not enough. What kind of yoga? Kundalini or Hatha yoga there are different types of yoga, so the more specific your topic of expertise the better.

How about Hatha yoga for spiritual CEOs or Kundalini yoga for real estate investors? If you are a Kundalini yoga teacher as I was then you have credibility. If you teach, train and feel comfortable with and they feel comfortable with you with real estate investors, especially if they're new or veteran; you decide what you're most comfortable with.

Then that would be a great training for you to have. The point of this isn't whether you're a trainer or teacher, the point isn't whether you sell software or have assessments in the marketplace; if you're a consultant or coach or author.

It doesn't matter whether you're a products company or you do manufacturing, the point is to understand what a market niche is and understand what a topic of expertise is.

Weight loss - that's a topic of expertise, but rapid weight loss is better.

Networking - this is good, but networking among home school parents is even better, because it's more specific.

Fundraising - this is great as a topic of expertise, but fundraising for developing nations of the world is even better and that's what does.

Book Promotion - this is great, but book promotion for public speakers is even better, because it's a topic of expertise with a much more narrowly defined niche.

Negotiation - to negotiate is verbalizing, you can teach negotiation, but negotiation with divorce attorney's is different than negotiating with entrepreneurial CEOs, so be specific with the noun.

When you verbalize the noun it becomes more and more specific. Negotiating with entrepreneurial CEOs is a verb; negotiation is a noun, focus on the verb, the action.

Accelerated Learning - this is a great topic of expertise. However, accelerated learning for kids is better. Accelerated learning for kids between the ages of seven and fourteen is even better.

Spiritual Psychology - this is good, but you can refine what spiritual psychology can be for a more narrowly defined target.

Teaching Piano - this is a good topic, but teaching piano to the blind is better, if that's a topic of expertise you have.

So topic of expertise has to do with focusing on what you feel you're good at, what other's have told you you're good at and make it as specific a niche as possible.

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