Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Yoga For You

Your diet and the increase of basic fitness using brisk outdoor walks are an excellent basis for yoga. You have probably noticed the Yoga craze that has swept North America over the past few years: perhaps you've noticed people carrying yoga mats and wearing special exercise clothes designed just for yoga.

There is a reason why people are so devoted to the practice of yoga: it really works!

Yoga relieves stress in a way that is deeper than other forms of exercise because it factors in the mind-body connection. By stretching and holding poses, you will train your brain to focus on the moment, and you will soothe your body, all the while gaining strength and agility. Yoga can relax you the way meditation does, with the added benefit of toning your muscles and making you lithe and strong.

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Mountain Pose, Triangle Pose and Tree Pose may all sound like instructions for taking professional photographs, but they are actually just a few of the poses or asanas that you may perform during yoga. As popular as yoga has become in America in recent years, still so many don't quite know what to make of it. At first you may notice difficulty in maintaining poses. Yet soon enough you will build strength and balance to do them almost routinely. Likewise, asanas are very simple and easy to define and understand so to move quickly to practicing and doing them.

The word yoga means yoke, union, to join.

And originating in India more than 5,000 years ago, yoga mainly involves physical motion, but its positive results derive from the act of the mind, body and spirit achieving and being in accord. In fact, it is more recognized for its influence on personal development rather than from its many physical benefits. Through each pose or posture, you are challenged to balance your body, mind and spirit. The benefits of yoga reach beyond the duration spent on the yoga mat or in a particular pose. As a physical tool, yoga has a significant number of benefits. The poses are designed to tone and strengthen the entire body. You accomplish each exercise by stretching the body and holding each pose for a number of breaths. As first you will notice how difficult it can be to maintain the poses. But over time, as you practice yoga, your flexibility and balance will improve, as will your stamina and strength.

Naturally, breathing is essential to yoga, for it releases the various blocks that cause you stress and tension. The release of these blocks will refresh your mind and establish serenity and positive thinking. It can also slow down the aging process and infuse your whole being with a vim and vigor you never imagined.

Useful tips to get started:

1. Enroll in a daily or weekly yoga class or purchase a video instructing you in the basics of yoga

2. Explore the various types of yoga before you stick to one.

3. Enlist a friend or a family member as a yoga buddy

4. Log on to to receive a free CD to start practicing yoga.

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Claudine Struck "The Mind, Body, Spirit Expert" author of "How to Stay Sane When Life Isn't. " If you are ready to make you a priority, cultivate healthy relationships and live a more sane, happier life then this inspirational and unique approach to integrating mind, body spirit is for you. . Get free tips and yoga mp3 download now at

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