Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Best Workout Without Weights For Fat Loss

When I first started with bodyweight workouts, I stuck to the basics: pushups, pullups, and bodyweight squats. At first, I got great results. However, I soon began to notice a drop in both my training performance and fat loss. My workouts slowly began to get boring and I felt less motivated to workout.

As I was searching for an answer to make my workouts more interesting and get myself back on track, I came across a dramatic realization: Look at the physiques and strength of yogis (people who practice Yoga). These individuals are strong, powerful, and lean and they don't even engage in the kind of high intensity training that I do.

While we're talking about yogis, lets talk about gymnasts as well. The lean, strong, and incredibly ripped physiques of gymnasts come from hours of practice of their sport. Their focus is on body control and athleticism, and yet they have better physiques than most bodybuilders.

So, what is the connection here? The connection is that even though gymnastics is a high intensity sport, and Yoga a low intensity activity, the concept is the same: perform movements that allow your body to move in a variety of directions.

That is when I realized that the key to true progress with bodyweight exercises is to use the techniques and methods employed by gymnasts, yogis, dancers, and other athletes that train primarily with their own bodyweight. But, I also soon realized that someone else had beaten me to this concept.

The name of the man is Scott Sonnon, and he is the creator of Circular Strength Training (CST). CST bodyweight training combines Prasara Yoga, and gymnastics-inspired bodyweight exercises to create highly effective workouts that help you drop fat, build lean muscle mass, and improve your strength.

CST Coaches Adam Steer and Ryan Murdock have designed a great bodyweight training program which uses gymnastic and yoga movements to create high intensity bodyweight fat loss workouts. You can find out more information about this incredible bodyweight fat loss program on my site, WorkoutWithoutWeights.net [workoutwithoutweights.net/bodyweight-blueprint-for-fat-loss]

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