Monday, May 20, 2013

How to Use the Green Movement to Burn More Fat

Being green is always a thing to strive for. After all taking care of our planet is just as important as taking care of our own bodies. A study that was conducted in 2009 by Dutch researchers found that the closer people live to green spaces, the more active and healthier they were.

Let's talk about some great ways that you can take your fitness lifestyle and make it more green this spring and summer by moving things outside.

First, take your gym workout outside. This really only works if you have weights that you own or you have some great body weight programs that you can use. So make sure that you ask your trainer to design some workouts that are all body weight so you can do them outside. Exercising outdoors is proven to keep your energy levels boosted.

Second, on your off days from the gym or your home gym, move your cardio outdoors. You can do all of your cardio interval training outside. Or you can change things up and instead of the elliptical, you can use your own bike to get an interval in. If you have a private backyard, you can do some yoga for relaxation and flexibility.

Third, try to use the good weather to take your lunch breaks outside. Just getting some sun will lift your spirits and give you a healthy dose of vitamin D. Eating lunch in the sun will usually release those endorphins and make you more excited to get into the gym to make those fitness results happen.

Fourth, you can get together with some friends and rather than workout together... play a game together. Return to your childhood a little and play some games like tag, capture the flag, or have a water fight. This will not only allow you to laugh a lot, but it will simulate interval training very closely.

Fifth, use the good weather as an excuse to get your spouse outdoors to exercise with you. This might be a great way to get your spouse involved in your fitness lifestyle. That can really help to push both of your goals forward and bring you closer together.

Use some of these suggestions to get your fitness greener and according to the Dutch, you can easily increase your health, increase the fun in your life, and increase your fitness results to move you to the next level.

Curtiss is a trainer at The Art of Weight Lifting... it's a fitness community solely for women. You can find programs with exercises to lose weight to match your goals. They offer both gym workouts and in-home workouts to help accommodate what you have available. Check them out!

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