Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Six Characteristics of Powerful Grassroots Communities

We've all had the exhilarating experience of meshing with others to create a synergistic experience, one where our spirits were uplifted. In these moments, the energy of every individual member of a group contributes to and merges into a collective energy, a synergistic force around which anything seems possible-and often is. But all too often we've come away from these endeavors without the tools to sustain that energy collectively or individually.

Since the 1980s, I have worked as a business consultant, and have consistently observed six key characteristics present in highly effective groups. These same six characteristics are used by physicists to describe the makeup of subatomic particles that are in essence, energy. Six thousand years earlier sages depicted the nature of energy with these same characteristics and this became a foundation for yoga and Ayurvedic medicine.

Relational/Holistic: At the subatomic level, nothing exists unless it engages another energy source in a complex web of relations. In fact, matter is nothing more than interconnected fields of quantum energy. When we engage in relationships with others, we are touching something sacred and inherent to all life. When a group's values include teamwork, social connections, networking, informing, and brainstorming, they are creating an interconnected field that mimics the existence of every particle.

Scientists discovered that the moment they inquire into the nature of subatomic particles, the phenomenon they are looking for happens. Our thoughts and beliefs affect the outcome of our endeavors. That same power is amplified in a group when we align our intention with others in a shared vision; the group energy empowers that focus. Shared vision and corresponding goals require dialogue, listening, and ownership. This focus identifies the standards, goals, and values for the group which should be supported through ongoing positive and constructive feedback.

Quantum energy is the seed of our diverse universe. Within this common seed lies the manifestation of the vast material realm. When groups are inclusive regardless of race, culture, and social skills, they embrace the common seed that we all are and align with our deeper nature. Intolerance opposes energy's nature. Quantum energy also has symmetry and dynamic balance. Likewise, maintain a balance within teams, be aware of being too dominante, stressful, or lethargic.

The quantum realm is not a world of actual physical events; instead, it is a world filled with numerous unrealized possibilities for actions. Where there is possibility, there is also uncertainty. When a group takes on a new initiative or develops individual's talents and passions they embrace possibility. This translates into staff development, a mentoring program, acknowledging successes, and looking at what needs improvement. These actions foster a learning environment on all levels.

Scientists refer to the quantum realm as "the dissolution of the rigid frame." In the higher realm there is not even a frame of time. Organizations and process that are rigid oppose the deeper nature of energy. We need to dissolve the rigid judgments and structures we build in our lives, our relations, and organizations. Empowered grassroots groups have: listening, forgiveness, transparency, and spontaneity as part of their group's culture. A mechanism for conflict resolution exists. Pockets of withheld information are rare. There is a willingness to evolve as an organization.

Energy travels in waves. When two waves are in sync there is synergy. When we are in sync with quantum energy's deeper nature we maintain a high vibration that is felt as love. Love in its purest form has no conditions or forms attached; this is where brotherhood and sisterhood flourish.

When these six behaviors are integrated into a group's culture, that organization functions at a high energetic level. Participants are uplifted and rejuvenated. This makes logical sense when you start with the scientific fact that "everything is energy", communities generate group energy fields, and when groups align with the nature of energy these group energy fields vibrate at a higher level where love, trust, and collaboration flourish. In that kind of "High Energy" environment anything is possible.

Paul Deslauriers put 25 years as a community organizer and consultant into his most recent book "The GRASSROUTE GUIDE", a how-to manual for grassroute.org/guide grassroots community groups. Covering organizational development, team building, leadership and communication skills, setting goals and operational values, managing volunteers, meetings, events, brand imaging, local media...all from a perspective of building a "high vibrational group energy". More info at: grassroute.org/guide grassroute.org.

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