Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Flexibility Stretch For Golfer

Get the right stretch for the right swing!

Golf is a game of swing. Winning or losing is seldom determined by a rule other than the right swing. The swing in golf requires a very wide range of motion and flexibility is a pre-requisite for that. Flexibility is the key word which many amateur golfers do not take seriously. It is extremely important to understand that every form of sport requires some sort of training, some sort of exercise. Stretching is the exercise, the workout for golfers.

In the range of motion required for golfers, the hamstrings, the lower back and the shoulder muscles play the most important role and should be the prime areas of concentration. Of course the flexibility of other muscles of the body also is essential but, to a lesser extent. Every golfer should take up a stretching workout and religiously follow it. An ideal workout would include:

Warm up exercises of about 5 minutes.
Stretching exercises for key muscles (hamstrings, shoulders and lower back)
Stretching exercises for the overall flexibility enhancement of the body
Developmental stretching exercises (exercises challenging you to the next level)
Cool down and relaxation

The entire routine mentioned above can be completed in less than 20 minutes and remember the time you put in, is an investment, not an expense. Following are a few sample stretches that could be included in the daily flexibility stretch routine:

1. Hug your knees - Lie down straight on the back. Lift your legs and bring your knees closer to your chest. Now try and hug your knees with the help of your hands. Hold this position for a few seconds. Alternatively, you can perform this stretch with one knee at a time. Repeat 3-4 times.

2. Hamstring stretch - Lie down straight on the back. Now try and lift one leg upwards and see to it that your knee is straight. Now hold the leg both the hands and try to stretch it towards your chest slowly. Hold this position for a few seconds. Return to the start position. Repeat with the other leg.

3. Quad stretch - Stand straight with both feet together. Now slowly try and lift your right leg backwards so that there is a folding at the knee. Now try and grasp the foot with the right hand on the same side and press it to the buttock. Hold this position for few seconds. Return to the start position. Repeat with the other leg.

4. Pec stretch- Stand straight in an upright position. Now slowly take both your hands backwards and clasp them together. Make sure that your elbows are straight. Open your shoulders and try to squeeze your shoulder blades together. Look upwards to increase the stretch. Repeat 3-4 times.

Similarly you can try, Inverted hurdler's stretch, calf stretch, cat and camel stretch, etc.

So, plan your flexibility stretching routine today because you need to stretch right to swing right!

Double your flexibility in 28 days using YOGABODY Naturals Flexibility Kit. Stretching Exercises & yoga poses are not enough... you need Gravity Poses and 6 specific nutrients to improve your stretching flexibility fast!

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