Saturday, October 12, 2013

Ab Machines Waste Time

These machines will help you strengthen your abdominals, but to achieve ripped abs, ab machines are a waste of time. Increasing your overall metabolism through resistance training, controlling your diet and decreasing stress in one's life will help you achieve your ripped abs.

Overall resistance training has shown to increase the body's metabolism. The increased lean body mass that results from resistance training increases the muscle's activity, which utilizes the excess body fat to fuel its needs.

Exercises that incorporate interval training have shown to increase the body's metabolism. The anaerobic component of the exercises allows the body to increase its metabolic activity, which thereby increases the use of excess body fat as fuel for the body. The body also continues to burn fat well after the exercise activity has ended.

Watching what we eat is another factor that will help us achieve ripped abs. Avoiding processed foods, fatty foods, fast foods and sodas will help keep your diet balanced and help you control your caloric intake.

Controlling the calories we consume, by increasing the number of meals we eat to 5-6 meals and decreasing the meal portions, allows our body to stabilize its energy levels and allow it to burn excess fat as fuel. When the body burns what we eat, it will then turn to the fat and use that as fuel.

Controlling stress in our lives is another factor we need to consider. Stress has the ability to make our body store excess body fat in our belly area. The hormone Cortisol causes our body to react this way, so in order to keep that from happening we must decrease our stress levels.

Activities like deep breathing, yoga, tai chi and meditation will help us manage our stress levels more effectively and help decrease the storage of body fat in our abdominal area.

Ab machines are a waste of time and really have no effect on achieving ripped abs. To effectively get ripped abs, we must increase our overall metabolism through exercise, diet and decreasing stress in our lives. When we are able to control these factors, we can achieve ripped abs.

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