Friday, October 11, 2013

How to Succeed as a Yoga Teacher

Upon successful graduation from a Yoga teacher training course, many new Yoga teachers feel they still need some direction. After spending five months, up to years, with a Master Yoga teacher, Swami, or Guru, the new Yoga teacher has left the nest, but where should he or she go from there?

Let's look at an organized way for new Yoga teachers to expand their knowledge, while pursuing their passion. After all, Yoga instructors cannot share the same interests all the time. With so many forms of Yoga, and a multitude of aspects to choose from, "the sky is the limit."

Are you interested in Office Yoga, Prenatal or Postnatal Yoga, Chair Yoga, Yoga Therapy, Yoga for Stress Disorders, teaching Yoga to children, or another Yoga teaching path? There are many directions to specialize in, and it is best to keep the list small.

This brings up the first step in finding your direction: Write a list of goals, interests, and objectives, for teaching Yoga. There is something very powerful about "etching ideas into the subconscious mind," with a pen and paper.

If you decide to enter deadline dates, for short-term goals, you might be shocked at the number of goals, which reach fruition. When you put ideas into writing, and take action, the success rate does go up.

Avoid procrastination, and do not allow excuses to run your life. This is a pitfall on a goal-setting path. I guarantee that you will run into obstacles. Nobody has a life without them; however, look at each one as a stimulating challenge.

Do not waste time on blaming anybody, or anything; this will make you stronger as you journey toward becoming a better Yoga teacher. This will also guide you in the right direction to meet the needs of your students.

Organize your list of goals by priority. Which goals are more urgent? Decide by projected deadlines - in measurements of days, weeks, months, and years. This will help you to avoid wasting time on long-term goals, when you have a serious deadline facing you this week.

It is human nature to try to avoid the tough projects. Yet, you are best off to tackle the difficult projects first. Once you have taken care of the toughest chores, a heavy burden has been lifted from your mind and you can think clearly.

Get rid of all distractions for optimum use of your time. For example: Cell phones, television, time wasting chatter, and Email must wait if you are in the middle of an important project or your studies. You do not have to live the lifestyle of a Spartan, but there are some times when the "technological toys" get in the way of real progress.

Lastly, reward yourself with quality time, when you have finished a project. Make sure that you take the time to enjoy your family, friends, and quality relationships. You are a Yoga teacher, who teaches the art of living, and you should also enjoy a balanced life.

© Copyright 2007 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA, hust 20 minutes north of Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. To receive a Free e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

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