Saturday, December 29, 2012

Have You Checked Out the Cross Training Possibilities to Burn Fat Yet?

Being a member of the weight loss demographic puts you squarely in front of the most popular "burn fat regimens." You see them in headlines online, in magazines and hear people discussing them in conversation. But, have you really thought it through to find out what you want?

Gym work out
Aerobic exercise
Calorie counting

Right? Well, of course. It is true. These popular modalities do work, but, they are b-o-r-i-n-g. So, it is up to you to think outside the popular weight loss box. Think good nourishing food and fun activities. How long has it been since you nourished your body with either food or activity? Maybe all the way back to sixth grade? Maybe.

OK. Here is the deal. Your life has become too predictable. That is why you are wearing the extra layers of fat. Because you are bored out of your mind. It is time to step it up. Take your life to the next level. Your body too.

There are some awesome foods you are leaving out of your daily meal prep that will help you get the fat burn job done. Think antioxidant.


Artichoke hearts
Russet potatoes
Sweet potatoes


red beans
Red kidney bean
Pinto beans
Black beans



In addition to the foods, how about spices and herbs? Cook much with them? If you do not have experience cooking with exotic flavors, do you have experience eating them in restaurants or food gatherings with friends? Then, be brave - search the Internet for recipes and cook them up. Give these exotic flavors an opportunity to feed and nourish you. This could be the adventure of your life!

Here is a list to get you started:

Cayenne pepper

Now, the activity. Got a gym membership? No? Good! Here is a suggestion. Go get a membership that allows you to do what you want to do. Allow yourself to create your own program. What is it that you want in the gym? The weight machines? Free weights? The treadmill? The community? The trainer?

Ask yourself why you want what you want. Do you have some intellectual info in your brain leading you to find the right gym for you in your community? A sales pitch maybe? How about this...look at cross training opportunities. Cross training is the best for you because it requires that you think and choose. The human brain grows more brain cells when it is thinking and choosing for itself.

While you are talking to the gym sales person, realize they have a quota to fill. They have a program to sell. They talk like the expert. The higher price the program, the better bump they get on their next paycheck. Nothing wrong with that. It is a job and some of these people are very good at what they do and deserve to get paid well. But - you deserve to get what you want. And you can do some research to find out what you want, then, sell it to the gym guy or girl.

Ask yourself questions. Find answers. Following is a list of cross training activities according to seasons:


Downhill ski
Cross country ski
Ice skate
Mountain biking


Trail hiking
Mountain biking
Stair running
Roller skating


Water tubing
Water skiing
Scuba diving
Trail hiking


Rake leaves
Harvest garden
Chop wood
Can and freeze food
Stair running

The true definition of the purpose behind cross training is to heat your core. Perform activities that increase your core heat to gain thermogenesis. However, make sure some of your activities actually get this done while you have fun. Having fun will help you get out of your current boring activity box. It is good to look forward to your activities.

Following is a list of cross training you can do any time of the year wherever you might be.

Qi Gong
Tai Chi
Kick boxing
Shoot hoops

Taking up a variety of cross training activities listed here will ensure your body gets a good work out; your brain grows some new neuropeptides; your intelligence increases; your mood is scintillating most of the time; your creativity is enhanced and ready to make life rich. Burn Fat Faster with regular exercise. Stick with a diet of natural foods such as protein, vegetables, fruits, fats and other carbohydrates. Be sure to add some of those foods that speed metabolism, and you'll soon see the results you want.

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