Monday, December 24, 2012

Pregnancy Yoga DVDs For Fit Minded Mothers to Be

Pregnancy Yoga DVDs have become extremely popular all over the world for their convenience and ease of use. A pregnant woman has very specific needs and prenatal yoga DVDs must cover all of them. Not only will she need to prepare her body for the experience of childbirth, but she must also find a system of practice and belief that will tide her through the tremendous change in lifestyle having a child brings. As such, a prenatal yoga DVD must focus on both the body and the mind.

Teaching prenatal fitness involves a few challenges that no other exercise form will face. One of the biggest of these is having to operate within a very short time frame. Luckily yoga as an exercise form has some of the best insights into the nature of movement and the human body. Women usually start the prenatal poses and routines just about when the first trimester is over thus giving the yoga teacher a window of six months, at most, to work with. Prenatal yoga DVDs needs to emphasize overcoming the challenges of limited time and of working with people whose bodies are growing unfamiliar to them. Remember if you're the pregnant one, you're going to have to gauge your own limits which can change from day to day.

An in depth understanding of anatomy is a crucial part of a good prenatal yoga teacher's training. This is because the body of every pregnant woman is different, and modifications to the mainstream postures will have to be made to suit her needs. The expectant mother should be properly taught how to modify any existing yoga routine to suit her changing needs during pregnancy. This may mean a cessation in the practice of any postures involving inversion, compression of the abdomen, or the restriction of normal breath.

As stated earlier, expectant mothers need support for both their bodies and minds. A good teacher of pregnancy yoga will be able develop routines that take into account the physical requirements as a woman's body changes.

The mental preparation involved is extremely important for expectant mothers; therefore it is helpful if a pregnancy or prenatal yoga DVD also involves some introspection, meditation and reflection to benefit the expectant mother with her often heightened sense of awareness due to the bringing forth of new life.

Prenatal yoga DVDs can draw from a combination of all the extant styles of yoga, instead of limiting itself to a particular range of postures. There are specialists in pregnancy and prenatal yoga and those are the ones that often offer the best instruction.

Sherry Holistan is a Yoga Enthusiast. You will find a carefully selected list of the top reviewed and rated Pregnancy Yoga DVDs at

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