Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Fast Training Techniques For Bodybuilders on the Run

Forgive the crunch pun, but is the best way to describe these tips on how to get some quick exercise training in when you have little time to do it. We all have busy lives but for some of us who have made it a priority to stay in top shape, with little or no time to spare, here are some ways that you can continue looking and feeling great throughout the day with little to no effort.

Quick Pull Ups

It is recommended that somewhere in your home in a place where you will not mind having installing and having a pull up bar such as a closet or the entrance to a private bathroom, that you do this for easy quick access to a few sets a day. Making sure you are positioned right and the bar is even, doing about 3 to 4 sets per day will give you that upper body workout that you need to maintain what you have already worked hard on.


When doing squats it is essential to make sure that you do not allow your knees to come in on the ascent. Not using proper technique when doing a squat will result in knee problems eventually. Doing about 3 to 4 sets of these will give you the lower back and leg strengthening you need for each day.

Simple Stretching

A lot of times we can forget that simply stretching our bodies can also work out our muscle groups and this is basically the essence to yoga. Some people are not a fan of the art of yoga and that is perfectly fine but doing stretches not only wakes your muscle up to handle the workout for the day it still keeps tone intact. Side stretches and floor stretches should easily provide what each muscle group needs to get awake and ready.

Some simple less time consuming floor stretches are as follows:

Sitting on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you, slowly you will posture yourself to sit straight up and reach slowly as high as you can and hold the position for 5 seconds then slowly descend to reach and touch the tip of your toes. Be careful not to hyper-extend your feet. Hold this position for 15 seconds and then slowly return to the upright position. You will benefit most by doing this 5 times.

Staying in the current position, spread your legs apart just to the point of feeling the stretch in your upper thighs. Stretching your arms up and holding the position just as in the first floor exercise and holding the position for 5 seconds and then slowly ascending to the floor and making your way to position your head as close to the floor as you can. Be sure not to arch your back too much, trying to keep the same straight posture as you were when you were sitting straight up. Over arching your back can cause lower back pain that could last for hours.

Doing these simple exercises once or twice per day will keep your body in check between lifting and workouts.

Dane Fletcher is THE Training Authority - Originally from London, he has trained in gyms all over the world and has picked up knowledge all along the way from some of the industry's most recognized personas. Dane writes exclusively for GetAnabolics, a leading provider of getanabolics.com Bodybuilding Supplements and alternatives to Steroids. For more information, please visit getanabolics.com getanabolics.com.

Dane writes exclusively for GetAnabolics, a leading provider of Bodybuilding Supplements and alternatives to Steroids. Please visit GetAnabolics for more info.

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