Saturday, February 23, 2013

Some Wonderful Tips to Warm-Up Your Body Before Weight Training

To shed extra fat from your body, weight lifting makes a wonderful activity to incorporate in your daily exercise routine. Not only it strengthens and transforms your entire body, but tones and shapes your muscles as well. Moreover, weight lifting offers you with numerous health benefits, both mentally and physically. If you perform gym exercises on the regular basis, they can help you to avoid many diseases like cardiovascular problems, heart attack, high blood pressure, diabetes and even cancer. A muscular and toned physique also adds to your confidence and you feel a pride in yourself.

Before starting the body building exercises, it is very important that you warm up your body. Cardio exercises such as running, rope jumping, stationary bicycle riding and jogging on a treadmill are some of the best activities to prepare before a weight workout. 10-15 minutes of a cardio exercise is sufficient to increase the blood flow throughout your body. This not only warms your body, but also makes your muscles much more functional and injury resistant.

Similarly, Push-ups, Pull-ups, Dips and Squats make some wonderful exercises to warm your body. It is important to get an advice from your personal fitness trainer so that he or she will suggest you a right combination of warm-up exercises to ensure that your strength training sessions are as productive as possible.

Light stretching is another great way to warm your body and increase your range of motion. Not only stretching enhances your flexibility, but it also increases the flow of blood to your muscles. Make sure that you incorporate a full-body stretching routine before starting the weight lifting sessions. You can also perform yoga exercises before a weight lifting session to prepare your muscles for a heavy workout.

It is also a great idea to warm-up your body with lifting light weights for 10-15 minutes. This not only prepares your muscles for the heavy weight-lifting, but also eliminates stiffness and tight spots in your muscles. Moreover, it encourages muscles' pumping and improves blood flow to your muscles.

When a cardio exercise is combined with the light stretching and Push-ups, one can get maximum benefits from it. It not only will warm one's body in a few minutes, but will also improve the circulation of blood to his or her muscles. After a heavy weight lifting workout, you can also relax your muscles with swimming or showering. As your body gets heated up after doing heavy workouts, it is advisable that you allow your body a sufficient amount of time to cool down before taking a shower.

Guy Long runs Bootcamp in Prahran and is a Fitness Trainer in Caulfield where he specializes in resistance training, body transformation, weight control, and overall muscular strength for local residents.

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