Monday, March 25, 2013

Spice Up the Winter Doldrums With a New Yoga Program and Watch the Pounds Come Off

It is always so much fun to watch people scurrying about at the beginning of the year, busily setting diet and exercise goals. As is often the case, they set heart-felt goals, but never accomplish them. The root cause for this is two-fold:

1. The goal is to lose more weight than is possible in a short time frame, and thus, discouragement sets in.

2. They start out too hard and are sore for days and discouragement sets in.

Do you see a pattern here? Unrealistic goals and unrealistic exercise routines will set you up for very real failure. Why not set proper goals with an exercise regime that will assure success and the body and the level of fitness you desire?

The reason I recommend Yoga as the exercise of choice for the beginner is because it is easy on the body, joints and mind. You can take a 30-minute class with an exercise video or at a Yoga studio three days a week, which will put you through the basics and give you a well-balanced program. Once you are better condition, add weight lifting, aerobics, running, or cycling to improve on the foundation you've built.

Yoga isn't something you rush into anyway; it's meant to be done slowly, with purpose and give you peace of mind while getting you in shape.

People often say that Yoga isn't aerobic, therefore it won't help you lose weight, but this isn't the case at all. Any exercise speeds up your metabolism, which helps your body burn more calories and thus lose weight. Of course, you must watch the food you eat so that you consume less that you burn off, that's the key to weight loss, but that is a whole other article.

For now, use Yoga to get started, and remember, you don't have to be good to start, you just need to start to be good. Every new exercise routine requires a learning period, so give yourself a few months to become really proficient at the basic positions. If you are taking a class at your local recreation center or health club, introduce yourself to the instructor and tell them of your goals and ask for help, they will be more than glad to offer tips to assist you.

One of the keys to keeping your cherished New Year's resolution is: consistency. Make a date with yourself to workout three days a week at the same time each day and for the same length of time. After a month of this you will find it easier because it's becoming a habit that your body likes.

The second key is to take a class with a training partner or friend. You become accountable to each other for showing up and doing a good job. Plus, you can brag together to your friends who aren't losing any weight or getting into good shape when the two you really begin to make significant gains.

Weight loss is often more noticeable at the beginning, so you should see immediate results. Several weeks into your program, you may plateau and not lose as much for a while and then lose a lot...many people experience this type of roller-coaster weight loss. Don't get discouraged if you go through a period of time when not much weight is lost, this is normal; just pay more attention to your diet during those times and you will see your body adjust.

Yoga has become so mainstream that classes and videos are very prevalent anymore. The classes are offered at many times during the day for beginners, intermediate students, as well as, advanced yoga practitioners.

Give yourself a wonderful gift this year, the gift of good health and prolonged life; you'll be glad you did, no matter what kind of exercising you do.

Good luck!

Keith Edwin Renninson is co-owner, along with Jeffrey Forman, of Golden Years Videos, LLC a production company dedicated to offering exercise videos for those over 50 or of any age who are rehabilitating from an accident or illness.

Renninson is an avid exercise and yoga enthusiast. Now in his late 50?s, he still races bicycles and regularly skis the black diamond runs in Colorado where he lives. For many years, a bona fide gym rat, Renninson still loves to lift free weights and use exercise machines.

You can contact Renninson or read more about his company and the videos they have available at:

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