Thursday, March 28, 2013

Supplement Cycling For Effectiveness

Supplements can be either expensive urine or a huge benefit, depending on how you use them. There are so many excellent supplements that we can utilize while weight lifting and body building. There are clearly advantages and some disadvantages in all of them. Truly its important to realize that too much of a good thing can be bad. What I mean is that cycling or taking some time off after using most supplements will increase there effectiveness long term.

Just like doing the same type of biceps workout over and over again will create adaption or a plateau in its effectiveness in increasing strength, over use in individual supplementing can dull its effectiveness. I always look to cycle five weeks on and five off. What's this mean? I take a supplement for five weeks continuous then stop taking it for the following five weeks immediately afterwards. Strength and weight lifting is significantly enhanced because of this, as is long term supplements effectiveness.

During the five weeks I may begin a different supplement, usually a free trial sample that are available for payment of shipping and generally will last 30 days, if they help me, I may add them to my next cycle, if not, I try another, after all they are fad approved and I always evaluate the ingredients before implementation. Adaption is diverted in body building strengthening in this manner

I know that in bodybuilding that lactic acid or burning can smite our progress. I have a solution that I gained while in Cebu, Philippines attending a yoga retreat. Most consequences of stress from weightlifting can be averted by dedicated consumption of filtered water. This is important. First thing every morning upon waking I will consume 2 liters of water on an empty stomach, not all at once but half a liter at a time over 30 minutes. The entire days consumption is 5 liters taken without food, that's what I meant by dedicated, 30 min before eating and 1 hour after eating is the time I dedicate to power drinking clean filtered water this clears me of most acids and waste byproducts in my body, and aids absorption of vitamins and supplements.

I challenge you to try these techniques to see how they will greatly enhance your overall weight lifting and body building regiment. I know absolutely that this will make all the difference in your plans to get the physique you long for in bodybuilding.

John Edward is a noted weightlifting enthusiast, athlete and public speaker. More can be read about him at his home page:

John invites you to view his athletic website:

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