Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Rapid Fat Loss - Success Principles

You want rapid fat loss! Follow these three principles of success to achieve your rapid fat loss: reduce your stress, watch your diet, and incorporate interval training into your exercise program.

Stress has been associated with belly fat. In a stressful situation, the body will produce Cortisol, which is a hormone that accumulates in the system and causes storage of fat in the belly area. Not only is the belly fat ugly, but it increases your risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke and heart disease.

Relaxation and stress reduction activities like yoga, meditation, deep breathing and tai chi have shown to be effective at reducing stress and allow you to better manage it.

Watching your diet will help you monitor your calories and not over eat. Avoiding fast fatty foods, sodas and other processed foods. These foods are high in calories and if we eat too much of them, we will not be able to burn all the calories and they end up being stored as fat on our bodies.

Eating several small meals per day, will allow us to not overeat, maintain our energy throughout the day and help monitor our calories. It will allow our body to burn more fat and give us a flat stomach.

Interval training is a great way to increase our metabolism and make our body burn excess body fat. The short intense intervals allow our body to use more energy to help bring oxygen to the muscles. In doing so, the body must breakdown fat to fuel the increased muscle activity.

The intense interval training is so demanding on the muscles, the muscles end up burning more fat to repair, replenish and remove waste products from the muscles. This increased activity continues for several hours after the exercise session.

Rapid fat loss success is dependent upon reducing your stress, watching your diet and incorporating interval training into your exercise program. These factors will allow your body to kick-start its metabolism and make your body into a fat burning machine.

If you want to burn fat and fix joints the right way, please visit: AbStrengthGuide.com AbStrengthGuide.com

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