Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Yoga in Everyone

Keep well, remain young a long time and live to a good old age, such is the three fold wish that the people of every race and country, at all times, formulated at the bottoms of their hearts. We are born with Yoga. Yoga is not something new or unfamiliar to us, in fact it is our second nature.

We are all born with the Yogic tendencies such as flexible movements and rhythmic breathing. How ironic it is that we as adults have to remind ourselves of what came naturally to us as a child. Observe a new born baby; instinctively it moves its fingers, wrist, ankles and toes. As the months passes by, the child will begin to put its toes into its mouth and begin chewing. Can you do this now? When did you lose it? Pay close attention to a child, and you will marvel at the child actually performing yoga postures. This holds true in the animal kingdom, whereby we can observe the same behavior in calf's and cubs. A toddler by the grace of nature makes its body flexible and supple through movements such as the backward bend, forward bend and splits, just having fun as nature intended.

As we grew up, all these movements we did as a child is nothing more than a memory. Our mundane, corruptible living habits and sedentary lifestyle has restricted our movements and flexibility thereby resulting in chronic ailments and body aches. In our struggle for wealth, name and fame, we have paid little or no attention to the decline of our body movements and its flexibility.

A child truly lives a Yogic life in body mind and spirit simply because it does not have an inflated ego. A child naturally forgives and forgets; it does not hold grudges and exhibits divine qualities. Relatively, as we grow into adulthood, we are caught up in the rat race for name, fame and wealth at the expense of our health and mental stability. Sadly, the wealth that we accumulate has to be spent to regain our lost health. Yoga is a union between the body, mind and spirit. The Yoga postures ensure that we retain our flexibility, especially the spine as we had during our childhood years. The breathing techniques that Yoga teaches, promotes calmness and peace within us.

Yoga is power through disciplined training of the mind and the body. The human body is often exposed to the onslaught of unhealthy habits and ceaseless medication. The result is constant aches and ailments of all descriptions. Hatha Yoga teaches us to awaken the power within us and returning vitality to the mind and body. These exercises are beneficial to all people regardless of age, gender, race or social standings.

Remember yoga is 5 fold. Preventive, curative, receptive, recreative, and corrective.

Suleiha Suguna, Principal of Maya Yoga Samudraa, is the author of Yoga for Anyone. This book is a collection of some of the most beneficial yoga postures and it is arranged in a manner similar to that of her classes. Supported with hundreds of illustrations, Yoga for Anyone, will help anyone learn yoga the correct way. Suleiha Suguna comes from a lineage of yoga practitioners and has over 40 years experience in yoga. Check out her book today.

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