Saturday, August 17, 2013

Kenpo With a Bad Knee

In week four of P90X, I have finally been able to get through a full Kenpo routine. Yes, Kenpo is a tough workout, but in the last the weeks I was having serious knee issues. The onset of pain began about 20 minutes into the workout. I strived to make it through but collapsed in pain around the 40 minute mark. When I was younger I would always work through any injury; I suppose old habits die hard.

So what changed today?

To start... My form has improved drastically. Today I was taking my time on all the movements in order to solve this problem. I noticed this morning that I when I would rotate my hips my foot would remain stationary. The light went off in my head when I accidentally pivoted and didn't continue through the full motion. This sharp pain lead to this great discovery. Obvious yes... But I was a bit overzealous in the beginning.

One other thing that may have contributed to making through Kenpo was the warmth in my house. I was told for yoga that it is better to do yoga in a warm room as it keeps the muscles loose and is easier to stretch. I applied this to my workout today. Closed up the windows and, by the time stretching was over, it was a good temperature. Throughout the routine I felt more flexible then I have been with the air conditioning on.

If you are suffering from knee problems, take your time and make sure your motions are correct. Form is everything.

*These statements are from personal experience and I can not be held liable for any injuries which may occur. Please seek a physician's assistance as any injury can be a sign of a more serious problem.

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