Sunday, August 11, 2013

Mixed Martial Arts - With Various Disciplines

Fitness training which focuses on the development of power and speed is mixed martial arts. Craze for this fitness activity has been growing more and more among individuals and there are several reasons behind this.

Mixed martial arts are counted among one of the latest fitness craze in the present scenario and one can expect modern fitness gyms coming with training for this activity along with client-centered yoga, group classes, CrossFit and other body fitness activities. MMA has been found coming with different disciplines to suit varied needs and desire of individuals. Such disciplines include:

Kick boxing

Kick and punches based MMA form is referred to as kick boxing. Preferring this training can lead one to reach the peak of endurance in terms of physical and mental fitness. Among number of benefits of kick boxing, one major benefit includes total body work outs and much more. One can easily burn calories and get fats reduced easily. Adding to it, several researches have come up with the conclusion that kick boxing can help one to reduce 800 calories per hour. Entire body muscles can be toned, coordination can be improved and mood can be boosted to let one feel more confident. And high-energy kickboxing routine helps in reducing stress up to a larger extent.


Two kinds of boxing are more commonly known which includes fighting professionally & amateur boxing. The former type is done to earn money and the later one is meant for sport and recreation. To get into shape, defending and having fun at the same time are terms which can be used in terms of boxing. Boxing training is all about raising level of confidence to defend oneself completely. In this MMA form, different kinds of equipments are used including mouthpiece, hand wraps, well-padded headgear, gloves, comfortable clothing and high-topped shoes. Punching bag and boxing ring are two bigger things which are provided by health gyms.


Coming next to both is judo and this is the MMA form which requires the usage of maximum physical and mental energy. Dr. Jigoro Kano is the founder of this martial art form. One of the special facets of this form is called as 'ukemi' which means the art of falling. This facet is essential not just for quick movement execution and is important for prevention of injury as well.

Fitness trainers for judo train one to use shoulder, knee joints and thigh as shock absorbing. And several more things are there which come under judo basics.

Apart from these three, jujitsu and wrestling are two other useful mixed martial art forms or disciplines which can be found in modern gym health clubs these days. Studeo55 offers training for client-centered yoga with the support of experienced trainers in Vancouver, BC. List of health fitness activities which are counted in membership programs of the gym health club include MMA, CrossFit, group classes and much more in Vancouver, BC.

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