Sunday, September 15, 2013

It's Time to Get Active, Healthy and Fit For the New Year!

It's that time again, when everyone makes their resolutions to lose weight and get in shape. I know I hear voices from two sources: the guilt of overindulging in holiday festivities and the tightness of my clothing. How about you? Are these voices speaking to you? The good news is that we can start fresh. It is only the beginning of 2009 so let's challenge ourselves to be healthier throughout the year.

More good news; you don't need to spend an arm and a leg to be more active. There are lots of options when you are looking for activities. If you can find something that you like to do for 30 - 60 minutes every day then that is perfect. Find something that gets your heart beating and your lungs working. It can be walking, jogging, riding a bicycle, swimming, playing in the park with your children - whatever you have fun with.

And please don't take the "every day" part too seriously. If the weather is bad - exercise inside. Walk up and down your stairs, do some calisthenics (remember those jumping jacks, pushups, and crunches you used to do in high school?), your options are only limited by your imagination. You can always take a day to simply stretch out in some yoga poses and work on flexibility, practice some core strengthening pilates, or pick up some old dumbbells and practice some weight lifting; but try to get in 3-4 cardio respiratory workouts every week.

Sometimes your local library will have some exercise videos you can sign out, and you can find used dumbbells at yard sales or maybe a local Salvation Army store. Exercise doesn't need to cost a lot of money; it simply needs to be consistent. Try a few times a week to start off, and then work up to a daily routine.

If you are reading this article then you know how to use a computer, so use it to research some exercises you can safely do at home. If you live in a wintery climate find some that you can do inside, and do some outside as well. The cold brisk air can be very invigorating. Keep in mind that snow, ice and traffic can be dangerous though. And when exercising outside remember to wear the proper safety attire such as clothing with reflectors so that drivers can see you.

Another note about exercising outdoors: Avoid wearing headphones while walking or exercising in or near traffic. You want to be able to hear any vehicles coming near you as well as see them. Use all of your senses and stay safe.

Try to find some various exercises so you are not bored in a week. Mix in some strength training, some cardio and some flexibility exercises. If you can find a gym to join, get into a routine that fits into your time schedule so that you don't have any excuses not to go. Once you get into your routine you will miss it when you don't go.

I work in a gym and I teach yoga, pilates and strength training classes. I know from experience that you need to keep mixing up your workouts so that the members and instructors don't get bored doing the same things all the time. Physically speaking you want to keep your body guessing anyway. If you do the same thing all the time your body gets used to it and your improvement rate slows down. You want to challenge yourself mentally and physically and keep mixing it up.

While I was in between gyms, my husband and I did the P90x weight training workout that you see in infomercials. It was a great workout. It included a balance of workouts from weight training to power yoga with cardio in between. P90x is a little extreme and designed for those who are in pretty good shape, but you can start with many other exercise programs available on tv, and online.

I had twins (many, many moons ago) and I was financially strapped so to exercise I walked a lot with the stroller. When I couldn't get out I did sit-ups, crunches, push-ups, lunges, squats, leg lifts - whatever kept me moving.

Start moving ~ however, wherever you can and you will feel better - it doesn't matter what your fitness level is when you start. Avoid making goals that are unrealistic, start slow and build up. Just start somewhere - your options are limitless.

Regular exercise builds self esteem, relieves stress and tension and improves cardiovascular health. While you are searching for exercises to do, research all of the benefits that come along with regular exercise. I know people who have osteoporosis and have increased bone density by exercising. I know someone who lost almost 20 pounds by playing with wii fit video games.

Many people everywhere change their lives for the better simply by starting an exercise routine. Are you ready? Figure out your starting point and challenge yourself accordingly. Have fun and mix it up ~ but keep moving!

By Kathi Duquette

Certified Yoga Instructor
Certified Personal Trainer

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