Friday, October 4, 2013

Are You Still Seeing No Gains in Your Muscle Mass? How to Get Past Your Plateau

Are you interested in gaining muscle mass on your body? What are you doing about it? If you think that you will create bulging biceps and six pack ab muscles within five days then you should look for a miracle drug. It takes weeks of intense fitness training, dietary supplements that boost formation of muscle mass, and toning the already existing fat of the body to gain a body that is to be envied by anyone who looks at it.

If you don't know much about gaining muscle mass it is advisable to buy a few body building magazines or looking up the Internet for more information. The majority of the articles on this subject will tell you that the way to gain a chiseled physique is a combination of weight training and cardio exercise as far as working out is concerned. Other than that most body builders have taken the assistance of some supplementary drink or a protein shake which adds muscle mass to your body.

Therefore, in order to achieve those rippling muscles you will not only need to work out regularly and possibly take supplementary drinks, but also maintain a healthy well-balanced diet. Depriving your body of particular nutrients like carbohydrates and calories will reduce your daily energy level. In the end, neither will you develop any muscle mass nor will you find yourself fully energized.

About a third of the adult population misses out on the most important meal of the day: breakfast. When they say that you should have breakfast like a king, they say it for a reason. This meal jumpstarts your day by providing you with sufficient energy to make up for the long gap between your meal last night and your breakfast as well as boosting your metabolism from the very beginning. You will feel more energetic and be able to sustain long hours of work by having a well balanced breakfast. However, don't stuff yourself with food during the rest of your meals during the day.

Eat small quantities but have them many times a day. This keeps your metabolism working at a stable speed and also does not end up storing excess food resulting from over eating. These short, frequent meals add more to your muscle mass than to your fat quotient. Also, when you have to have around six meals during the day, you automatically start taking care of what you will be putting into your mouth. Hence, you will not be deprived of variety.

If you think only eating right or gulping down endless amount of protein shakes will make you gain muscle mass then you are forgetting about the most important complimentary activity required for it. Regular work out is absolutely mandatory for those wanting to gain muscle mass. However, this does not mean you have to slog in the gym for hours. You can do any sort of exercise including sports, jogging, walking, running, using the treadmill at home or even yoga.

However, make sure you combine cardio with weight training. Otherwise, you will lose weight rapidly cue to cardio, but not tone your muscles which is done by weight training. Make use of fat binders in order to give shape to your muscles and tone up your fat. But while doing all this make sure you keep yourself adequately hydrated.

Now listen carefully! If you want build more muscle without the use of dangerous steroids and useless supplements then click the link and get the latest bodybuilding and weight loss tips available.

Make sure you visit and receive your FREE report, "8 Things you Must Do To Build Maximum Muscle" from Sean Nalewanyj of Muscle Gain Truth.

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