Saturday, October 5, 2013

Suggested Exercises That You Can Do During Pregnancy

Doing some exercise is one of the most important things that a pregnant woman should take into consideration. Studies have proven that exercising while pregnant has a lot of health benefits to both the mother and the baby.

However, there are some women whose pregnancy is at high risk and are not allowed to do any physical task or exercise. It is therefore important that you get first an advice from your doctor before doing any form of exercise.

There are numerous reasons why you should exercise while pregnant. One is that you are able to increase your stamina and energy level which will help you a lot during delivery. It also improves blood circulation especially in the legs. It was also proven that exercise could make delivery easier and faster. You will also be able to recover quickly after giving birth.

Below are some recommended exercises that you can do while pregnant:

1. Walking - This is the most common and safest exercise for pregnant women. It is not so strenuous but it is good for the heart and keeps your blood in good circulation. You can do walking throughout your whole pregnancy period.

2. Jogging - This is safe if you have been doing this kind of activity before. However, your regimen should be reduced as your tummy gets bigger. Do not get yourself to do jogging too hard as your baby inside your womb also gets tired. If you feel that you can no longer make a conversation then that means that you are already forcing your body to its limit.

3. Swimming - This is the best form of exercise for pregnant women. It relaxes your body as it relieves you from the heaviness that you feel due to the weight that you gain. Swimming is also good to your heart and makes you feel refreshed.

4. Yoga - Joining a pre-natal yoga class helps you improve your muscles and relaxes your ligaments during pregnancy. You should check very well if the yoga class you are joining is really for pregnant women.

5. Weight Training - Building up your muscles is important during pregnancy and this can be achieved thru weight training. However, do not do weight exercises that require lying on your back.

While exercising is very important, you should bear in mind that not all exercises are applicable for pregnant women. Do not attempt to do running as exercise if you are not an experienced runner and have not consulted your doctor. Avoid getting a pre-natal fitness program which activities are not familiar to you.

It is important that exercising be done regularly. The recommended period for exercise is 30 minutes 4-7 days in a week. Make sure also that you drink a lot of water while doing exercise and avoid too much heat of the sun. Monitor your heart rate and see to it that it does not exceed 140. You should stop any activity once you feel dizzy or lightheaded. Do a warm up before starting with any form of exercise to prevent body pain. Always consult your physician and keep safe.

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