Thursday, October 3, 2013

Bikram Yoga Provides a Natural Body Cleanse

Bikram Yoga, also known as "hot yoga" was created by Bikram Choudhury. He began to practice yoga when he was only three years old and later went on to become a master Yogi. A renowned physical culturalist, Bishnu Ghosh studied with him for years and together they developed this particularly challenging set of stretches and poses.

Anyone can practice Bikram yoga. If you are a beginner, however, it is important to work with an instructor who has been trained on the postures. You will find that Bikram yoga is now being incorporated into the programs of more and more yoga studios across the country. Many upscale health clubs offer it as well.

There are many types of yoga. Bikram, however, stands out in front of them. Its practice is not unlike other yoga types when it comes to the postures and poses. However, there is one element that makes it very different. The room in which Bikram is practiced is typically heated at temperatures ranging between 90 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

There are 26 poses that comprise the 90 minute schedule. Each pose is performed twice during the session. There are standing postures that kick off the program. You then move into backbends. Finally, you finish up with twists and forward bends.

Kapalabhati breath techniques, also called breath of fire, are employed as you work through the postures. These advanced breathing techniques are used because of the beneficial energizing qualities and natural body cleansing capabilities they provide.

The heat that is incorporated into the Bikram routine is necessary in order to increase the body's flexibility. It makes the exercise more effective and the difficult postures easier to achieve. Many of the Bikram poses are extremely challenging. You will find that as you heat up during the session, you will become more capable of comfortably entering into the postures. This allows you to benefit more and it also reduces your risk of injury.

Your pores will readily expand because of the increased sweat experienced during your session. This provides a natural body cleanse as you sweat out toxins. Be sure to bring plenty of water with you. However, it is important to sip it slowly and not chug it down. When your body is heated to the temperatures that you will experience during class, attempting to re-hydrate quickly may cause nausea.

Bikram is more than merely stretching exercises for the muscles. It also massages your internal organs. It will strengthen your glands as it lubricates them. You will experience an improvement in your nervous system as well. Your joints, muscles and ligaments all benefit from the workout.

Many who try Bikram yoga report feeling euphoric at the conclusion of the program. It is a revitalizing and energizing program that provides natural cleansing to your body and your spirit.

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