Friday, November 8, 2013

Do You Desire a Perfect Life?

When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head and laugh at the sky.


Do you desire a perfect life? You may not realize it but to obtain this life is quite simple. Unfortunately society has trained us to live contrary to the actual truth of the Universe. We are taught from very early on to be everywhere but the present moment, to complete tasks as fast as humanly possible, to place our happiness on future goals, and to compete against each other in order to be superior, have the most expensive toys, and to be considered a success in this world. Quite frankly we place money and superficial objects above authentic living, above authentic being. I believe we call this philosophy the "American Dream." To be completely honest with you I don't desire this "American Dream" that has been embedded into my mind and if this is what it takes to be a worldly success, I don't want it. I think we all need to reach deep down within our being and ask ourselves if we really want this; do we really want to sell our soul to society.

So this dream that many of us blindly follow surely is a dream in a literal sense being that we are pursuing it without actually being awake and truly alive. In fact, nightmare may be a more appropriate term. The problem is that we've accepted this nightmare as "normal" life. We have adapted to this philosophy of living and actually believe that this is what life is all about. We accept this faulty and deluded belief system as the truth. It is imperative that we awake from this deep slumber before it destroys us.

It's quite obvious if we take a look at the state of the world today that we are doing something entirely wrong. Yet we continue to follow along with the majority seeking superficial pleasure, power, and control while avoiding the important suggestions of the great spiritual figures, such as Buddha. Of course we have a choice to continue this destructive cycle or we can change and practice simplicity in our lives.

Based on my intensive study of spiritual figures and philosophies, I truly believe within my entire being that it comes down to two simple practices. These practices will give you that perfect life you desire.

Live Now! We must live completely in the miraculous energy of the present. Discard the life scripts that your ego creates and experience what it feels like to genuine BE in the present. This is the only way to be intimately connected to everyone and everything in this Universe. You are creation and creation is you. You are the Now and the Now is you. Practice this and you will know perfection and freedom.

Help another member of your human family. To help humanity is to truly live. If we are not helping humanity we are not living the genuine meaning of life. On a daily basis we should ask ourselves how we can help another human being and be part of the necessary transformation of human consciousness.

If we could unite as one and practice these two simple, fulfilling principles we can turn this Universe around and create peace. Can you imagine what the world could be?

Richard A. Singer is an award winning author, trained psychotherapist, and most importantly a seeker of truth. He continuously searches for wisdom to use in his life, as well as helping other human beings in their precious journey. He has studied eastern psychology, buddhist healing, and non-violence at the doctoral level; in addition, he has spent years devoted to the study of wisdom recorded throughout history. He seeks to impart this knowledge to the world through his writing. His primary purpose is to benefit humanity in any way possible. Richard states that "My books are not only for reading, they are meant to be lived." Richard resides in the Cayman Islands. Learn more about Richard A. Singer on his website and contacted at

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