Thursday, November 7, 2013

How Different Exercises Are Great For Different Parts of Your Body

The first thing that comes to any body's mind when they talk about exercise is running or jogging. Yes running and jogging are great exercises but there is a lot more to exercise than grabbing your running shoes and going for a run.


Running is an excellent way to maintain a healthy body weight. It is cheap run and only require and pair of running shoes and some comfortable running clothes. Running is great for burning calories and when combined with resistance training it can really help you burn fat and to tone your body. It can help build and tone your whole body from top to bottom.

However running is not for everyone. Overweight people with a lot of weight around their belly should try to start off running slowly or try another exercise to begin with. Trying to run when overweight is not practical and could damage joints - cycling is probably a better option if you are severely overweight.


Cycling is a great way of exercising because there is less impact on the joints when compared to running. It is possibly one of the best ways for overweight people to begin an exercise regime. It is relaxing and during the summer months if you can get out into a park and cycle it wouldn't even feel like exercise at all. However cycling does not burn as much calories as running and mostly would benefit your lower body such as you legs and thighs.


Swimming is an excellent form of exercise because it is great for toning and elongating your muscles. Just look at Olympic swimmers and you can see how good their bodies look. Swimming is great for burning calories and because there is little impact on joints it is great for overweight people to begin with. The water supports some of their weight so their joints doesn't have to suffer a sever impact. There are virtually no downsides to swimming but do include other exercises because your body will over time accustom itself to any form of exercise and eventually stop burning fat or building extra muscle.

There is only one downside of swimming - you must know how to swim. Learning how to swim is great fun and can be very useful. It's a skill that I would rather learn and have for life.

Rowing machine

The rowing machine is great for working out the upper body. This cardio activity can be very useful because working the upper body is harder work than working the lower body via running or jogging.


Yoga is great for suppleness, good for your internal organs, helps reduce stress and great for your general well being. Yoga can help your balance and composure as well. However yoga on its own is not good enough. Cardio and strength training exercises are a must to help with overall health and body definition.

Resistance training (Includes all weight and strength training)

Resistance training is a great metabolism booster. It is great for building muscles and creating body definition. Extra muscle on your body can help burn more calories even when resting. No matter what, extra strength training can make your body look great.

There are two choices to choose from beginning resistance training - machines and free weights.

Machines take away some of the work from your training making it easier for you to do them. Beginners prefer to use machines because they are easier to use and usually do not require any assistance. However making it easier also removes some of the benefits of providing balance in your training.

Free weights are preferred by professional trainers because they provide the resistance training but also helps with balance training. This can help work more body muscles more evenly.

However you must include cardio training to burn off extra calories and to improve your circulatory system and strengthen your heart.

Learn how to lose weight and keep it off forever -


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