Saturday, November 30, 2013

Teaching Hatha Yoga - The Power of Belief

There are many ways to help your Yoga students become successful in life. Instilling positive energy is one way to develop a path toward achievement. Yet, the most powerful technique toward a life filled with success is instilling self-worth and self-esteem.

Our personal belief about ourselves is stronger than counseling, coaching, and positive reinforcement. If a Yoga student experiences self-doubt, this goes to the core of one's belief in his or her abilities. When we doubt our ability, we envision failure. When we are confident, we envision a successful outcome.

Many Yoga teachers design stress management courses for the public. If you organize a stress management class, seminar, or workshop, you should create a questionnaire that gives participants an outside view of their inner being.

A well-designed survey will yield much information in a journey of self-discovery. Here are a few questions that will help your participants change their outlook about their own self-worth.

o What is truth?

o Who do you think you are?

o How do you see yourself?

o What do you believe about yourself?

o Do you believe you deserve to succeed?

o How can you turn negative situations into positive ones?

Explain to your students that the past does not equal their future. Anyone can learn to change daily experiences through small achievements. In Yoga classes, we may hear the Sanskrit word "sattvah," which means truth. If you study history, you can see that two different truths can lead to warfare.

There is no need for internal conflict. Whether we are students, or teachers, of Yoga, we have learned that taking positive action, in small increments, will cause a flow of great change. We could also call this effect a "karmic wave."

Much like waves in the ocean, steady movement, in a positive direction, will change one's belief about his or her abilities. This will also cause a change in the experience and the outcome of situations. Vipaka is the result and the fruit of one's action.

This is not some "brand new" Yogic technique. This concept of the karmic wave is thousands of years old. Anyone can make changes, if he or she has the will to take steady action. Please be sure that your actions are positive and intended for the common good.

As you teach Yoga classes, you can make great changes toward ending the suffering of humankind, just by exposing your students to believing in themselves and their abilities. As a species, we need innovators who are emotionally balanced, caring, and kind in their thoughts, words, and actions. Yoga can train the mind toward complete stability and self-belief.

? Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA.

He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

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