Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Weight Training Schedule For Busy People!

Everyone can agree that maintaining a reputable weight training schedule amidst our fast-paced lives is next to impossible. It's tough enough for most of us just to get ourselves through our busy lives: the kids up and off to school, shopping done, everyone fed on time, car pooling and actually putting in a full day at work on top of it all. Let alone attempting to get any kind of consistent healthy exercise routine to fit into our day. Or week for that matter!

There's not much one can do to change any of our realities on a day-to-day basis. But, there are ways that each one of us can carve out some all-important time for ourselves. Not only is creating a weight training schedule beneficial to our physical selves, but also to our mental state.

Exercise of any sort works wonders to help us manage our stress levels. Workout guru, Dr. Sean Levee, states, "On average, a healthy dose of at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity or weight training on a daily basis can reduce one's stress level by approximately 75% over time."

While eating correctly and maintaining one's proper balance of rest is very important to overall health, nothing beats the benefits achieved from simple exercise. And, in days gone by, it seemed that many people tended to participate in one or two methods of exercise. Today, with research to help guide us, it has been proven that an active and consistent mix of cross training exercise is most beneficial to our health.

That includes a combination of cardio exercising such as: swimming, biking, jogging or walking. Strength exercises such as pilates, yoga or a simple weight training schedule. And athletics such as: tennis, golf, soccer, kayaking, rowing or mountain climbing. There's nothing like an exercise combination to get our bodies working hard to keep us healthy.

For most business people such as me, traveling for work can hinder a consistent weight training schedule. So, I simply pack my workout clothing, a jump rope and my hand protecting workout grips, and take my workout routine on the road with me. It's amazing how much exercising I can manage in my hotel room in the morning or at the end of a grueling workday!

Push-ups, an abdominal workout and jump roping can create quite a good session for me in less than 30 minutes. I feel refreshed, clear-headed and can maintain my muscle tone while I'm on the road and always feel better for having accomplished that healthful workout for myself no matter where I am!

So remember, in order to maintain that toned physique and fresh mind, carve out that slice of your day to create your own 30 minute weight training schedule and be on your way to a more fulfilled lifestyle.

A Good Weight Lifting Workout Grip Is The Key to Success!

When I push myself to the max, I always manage to rip up my callused hands on the diamond plate bars. I'd much rather focus on my form and push the weight out fully rather than the pain that my sore hands are causing. I've used many straps and gloves to help me get a better grip. Nothing has come close to the simplicity and effectiveness of Gorilla-Grips. They're easy to get on and off. They cover the callus ridge of my palm. And, most importantly, they protect my hands from that sandpaper-like diamond plate while allowing my hands to breathe. They've given me the ability to increase my weights by at least 20%.

Lift Heavy, Be Safe, and Get In Shape Today!

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