Wednesday, February 5, 2014

2010 Fitness Trend - How to Frugal-Cise

Millions begin to think about throwing out the old body and come into the new year with the intent to become healthier and more fit. Due to the state of the economy, spending hundreds of dollars on fancy equipment or gym memberships may not fit within the budget.

Unfortunately, many cannot and should not wait until the health of the economy improves before they can afford to work on their personal health strategy. It just may take a bit more creativity and focus on the basics to get started and be able to afford getting fit.

It does not matter whether you are focused on weight loss or endurance training, having the right tools to support your training program can help you stay focused and on track to meet your goals and objectives. Cheap exercise is simple, effective and easy to accomplish as long as you stay on track and not make excuses because you can no longer afford the personal trainer screaming in your ear.

Some items you can start with that are relatively cheap are:

1. Resistance bands - Bands can be purchase for less than 20 bucks and can provide different levels of resistance for flexible stretching and strength conditioning. A resistance band can be packed in your suitcase for easy access while traveling and can provide low impact benefits to the body.

2. The ol' jump rope is another great tool that is easily less than 10 dollars with the ability to increase aerobic workouts and stamina.

3. The inflatable ball can be purchased in various sizes and can help with balance and fluid motion type of movements. Great for the Yoga enthusiast or the guy who wants to sculpt his abs.

4. The basic pedometer can cost as little as 10 bucks for those neighborhood walks with the dog or spouse. It keeps track of your distance and can provide a few more bells and whistles along the way.

In summary, basic Chin-Up Bars, free weights and a simple foam mat can all be incorporated into an exercise program with very little expense. The basic idea behind a good exercise program is around physical activity and range of motion, which do not need advanced technology to get results. Yoga is not just about exercise, but the integration of mind, body and spirit. Find more information at

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