Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Fitness DVDs: Great for Beginners at Fitness Training

Like a lot of people, I was initially intimidated about many aspects of the fitness industry. I was overwhelmed at the many different types of exercises and the various models of fitness machines. There seemed to be many training methods that sometimes even disagreed with one another. I could not make head or tails of it at all. Of course, I could get myself a personal trainer who could, no doubt, explain everything to me. But I was not sure I wanted to take such a big step right away. I wanted to start smaller. Fortunately, while not everyone can afford to hire a fitness trainer, any regular Joe or Jane can buy a fitness DVD.

That is in fact the route I took. I looked around me and saw that these fitness DVDs were everywhere. Of course, that's hardly surprising. Fitness videos have always been a popular media commodity. I think I still have old workout videos from the '80s in my basement. Still, I was blown away at the sheer number of fitness DVDs available and the variety of subjects covered. Pretty much every fitness technique that has ever existed is explored in some DVD, I would think. At my local video store I saw DVDs on aerobics, dance, martial arts, tai chi, Taebo, yoga, weight training, stretching, even juggling! There were videos for seniors and videos for teens and even for little kids.

I ended up purchasing a DVD entitled "Yoga for Beginners." It was a great introduction to yoga and my wife and I enjoyed it very much. We found it very easy to learn the exercises when we could listen to the instructions and follow the movements as performed by a trainer on the DVD. Sure, an actual trainer could have given us more personalized coaching, but for an introduction to yoga, I believe that we got all of the information that we needed.

Now, don't get me wrong. Of course I am not saying that DVDs can take the place of human trainers. But if you are just interested in trying out a fitness method, a DVD can introduce you to the relevant techniques, and help you to decide if the training method is right for you. Maybe later you could choose to go for more in-depth training and a professional coach, but for a light initial foray, a fitness DVD is definitely the way to go.

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