Thursday, March 13, 2014

Yoga As a Tool You Can Use For Conditioning For Surfing

Very often, you would not associate these two activities with one another; but apparently, many of the pro-athletes are now using yoga as a conditioning for surfing. As you might know, surfing is a very rigorous sport. It demands a lot on the human body, especially since water is not an element that Man can naturally move in. If you include crashing waves and unpredictable swells in the mix, then you have an environment that can be quite overwhelming, if not deadly. At the same time, it takes a lot of mental preparation in order to get into this kind of sport. Competition aside, many professional surfers have been seized by their own fears especially when the waves become too erratic.

So how does a person use yoga as a conditioning for surfing?

First of all, yoga is considered as one of the best low impact cardiovascular exercises there is. This means that although a great workout can be gained from doing its repetitive movements, considerable strain is not placed on the bones and muscles. Almost anyone can therefore do yoga -- no matter what their age or level of physical fitness may be.

Secondly, cardio workouts are essential tools when you want to practice conditioning for surfing. You would need to build up lung power if you want to stay afloat on the water for the longest time possible. Additionally, cardio workouts are recommended if you have to paddle out to the waves as much as the pro-athletes do. This kind of workout also builds up the physical endurance a person would need in order to go through the rigors of training.

Thirdly, many of the movements of yoga are geared towards stretching and crunches. This promotes stronger but leaner musculature. A leaner frame is needed in order to easily surf the waves. This would give a person more maneuverability and more speed out on the waters. Stretching exercises also promote total body flexibility. Surfing demands a lot on the lower body joints particularly from the joints of the hips, to the knees, down to the ankles and bones of the feet. Without flexibility, it would be very difficult to maintain balance once a person gets upright on the surf board.

Lastly, yoga also promotes mental and emotional stability, both of which are needed in order to master the swells and the waves; not to mention possible competition from other surfers. Yoga helps increase a person's inner strength and sense of well-being, which in turn helps the person focus on the task at hand.

Damian Papworth, an avid surfer does yoga three times a week. He understands yoga for surfers is a critical part of surf conditioning and recommends it to all his clients on Gold Coast holidays.

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