Monday, May 5, 2014

3 Brain Training Techniques to Control Your Thoughts

If you want to improve your mental concentration, have better mental focus, and enjoy stronger willpower so that you have more success in your life, then the fundamental skill you need to acquire is the ability to control your thoughts so that your mind works for your rather than against you. Here, you'll learn three simple techniques that allow you to immediately begin controlling your thoughts. Plus, you can use the brain training exercises included in each suggestion to sharpen your thought control skills. So, the question is...


The power to control thought is the ability - at any given moment - to purposefully slow down and stop the busy, continuous movements of thoughts streaming through your mind. To make that happen takes steady practice at paying close attention to thought itself, and making willful adjustments to ongoing thoughts to encourage positive effects, and prevent negative ones. The results of doing so include quiet relaxation, flawless efficiency, pleasant productivity, accelerated learning, self-confidence, deep creativity, masterful problem-solving, and a profound sense of well-being.

The very best way to master the habit (and get the benefits) of controlling your thoughts is a direct self-educating approach through mental fitness training; that is, regularly and consistently taking time out of your day exclusively to exercise your brain using strategic techniques that reshape and strengthen interconnecting pathways among brain cells. This approach of neuro-sculpting (as opposed to 'body sculpting') affords you increased mental strength, endurance, and flexibility as you develop control and competence over previously untrained brain functions.

Brain training through dynamic mental fitness exercises is extremely practical in that it teaches you valuable lessons about aspects of your mind and thinking of which you are currently unaware. Among the first three things you discover during this approach are:

This direct, self-educating method of brain training exposes the rebellious nature of your untrained mind, revealing that despite our assumptions most of us don't have skillful control of our thoughts or our attention, the evidence of which becomes glaringly obvious once we attempt to command our mind to obey the orders of our will.
It reveals the shocking frequency of mental distractions rising up from your subconscious to assault your mind and perception all day long and into the night.
Finally, the process can immediately begin to give you control over all thoughts that are at the root of repetitive anxiety, stress, fear, and other power-draining negativities; thereby making room in your mind for you to create, foster, and manage the thoughts that bring you what you want in life, exclusively.
Intellectually, it may sound reasonable, but only through dedicated training will it really begin to make sense and fall into place in a way that proves you really can control your thoughts. Neuro-sculpting brain exercises require you to control thoughts in a very simple, basic way. Through the small successes you achieve with dynamic mental fitness techniques, you get the necessary experiences that inspire you to confidently expand your efforts until your whole life begins to change for the better. Let's take a look at three techniques that can give you control over your thoughts:


Method One is when you create a second thought WITHIN the first to break it up. You simply use something to interrupt the thought you don't want. When you practice this method, just sit and allow your mind to think whatever it will, then purposefully craft another thought while in the middle of the first. For instance, if you are engaged in a thought about an office meeting, visualize a radio appearing out of thin air, blasting noisy music and disrupting the gathering. Focus in on the radio and it's music. Eventually, everything else will fade into the background, or fade away. You can think of plenty such scenarios.


If you withhold your attention from becoming deeply involved with a thought, its signal is deprived of participatory energy it needs from you and degrades to fade away on its own in a matter of moments. Signal decay is most popular in yoga and meditation wherein practitioners refuse to allow themselves to get caught up in the rough river of thoughts, and instead remain focused on an attentional target, such as the feel of their breathing, or a simple object like a candle flame. One way you can practice this is to determine what your attention target will be, and when you find yourself assaulted by unwanted thought, focus in on your target, and hold your attention there by becoming extremely interested in the target so that you notice every detail about it. Your mind will let go of whatever thought was bothering you in order to reallocate its resources to the new target, and without that energy, it dissolves.


You can eliminate an unwanted thought by willfully thinking another, competing thought. When you think the new thought, your mind will wrestle between the two, but if you are determined, the thought you create will inevitably crowd out the initial thought, thus displacing it. You can try it by simple reaching back into your memory to recall a pleasant event and when you lock onto it, expand it in mind and immerse yourself into it in order to relive it. Again, you may have to exert yourself, but the result is worth it, because you'll have real-time knowledge that you can stop one thought simply by resurrecting another. Do it repeatedly, and the rejected thought will lose its effect, and its existence.

For a life-changing self-education on controlling your thoughts, set aside a window of time each day for thirty days to practice the suggested techniques. At the end of the month-long period, you should be very familiar and capable of determining which thoughts you will allow and which thoughts you will no longer permit in your life.

T. Lavon Lawrence, Mental Fitness Trainer - Designer & Author of the NEURO-SCULPTING!? Mental Fitness Brain Training System! If you'd like more information and a free, 7-day training course by email, go to and enroll at no cost. You'll also find a free message board forum where you can ask questions of mental fitness trainers who can assist you. T. Lavon Lawrence and Dynamic Mental Fitness Training provide Personal Mental Training, Mental Focus Training for Groups & Organizations, and Online Training Services for Improved Mental Concentration, Better Mental Focus, and Stronger Power of Will in Panama City, Destin, Fort Walton Beach, Navarre, and Pensacola, Florida as well as other areas along the Florida Panhandle and Southern Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Also privileged to work currently with clients in Canada, Thailand, Egypt, South Africa, Poland, Iran, England, Mexico, India, Sweden, Ghana, Pakistan, Spain, Romania, Indonesia, Austria, Slovenia, South Korea, The Netherlands, and The United Kingdom!

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