Sunday, May 18, 2014

Pregnancy and Yoga - Should You or Shouldn't You?

If you have been practicing yoga, you can still be able to use these exercises - with care. Yoga is good for both mother and baby, though there has been opposing sides to the question.

Even if you weren't doing yoga before your pregnancy, you can still begin the exercises. However, you will need to be certain that you are doing the poses correctly. There are also some poses that you will need to avoid. Ask your obstetrician if you aren't sure about the affects of a certain pose.

Yoga benefits you by keeping you calm and serene. You learn to control your breathing and use breathing to help you relax. This is very beneficial to helping you through the childbirth process. Some mothers don't even need pain medication because they've really mastered their breathing and relaxation.

Yoga can also help with the back pain that most pregnant women endure. The exercises can ease the pressure on the spinal cord and make them more comfortable.

There are some rules that must be followed when practicing yoga while you are pregnant.

1. Drink a lot of water. You don't want to get overheated and raise your core body temperature so high that it harms your baby. Take frequent water breaks. If you feel yourself becoming flushed, it's definitely time to stop and drink some water.

2. Be sure that you are eating healthy meals with plenty of nutrition. The extra effort that you use during yoga sessions will eat up a lot of calories.

3. Some poses will not be appropriate for you the further along you become in your pregnancy. Some may even be harmful. Stop doing the poses that require good balance. That means, no positions that have your head way below your feet. If you fall, you could hurt yourself and your child. Also, you will be moving more slowly when you are transitioning between positions to prevent becoming dizzy and off balance. Stand near a wall so that you have something to keep you from falling. Avoid major twisting and turning of the abdomen.

There are still many positions that you can use while pregnant. There are videos and books that you can purchase that will show you exactly which poses are best for you and your baby. You may also be able to find a prenatal yoga class in your area - if you live in a city with a higher population. They are still more difficult to find in smaller towns. A certified yoga instructor that has been trained in pregnancy related poses can be of tremendous help.

Again, be sure you consult your doctor before beginning any kind of exercise program, including yoga. This is especially important if you are having any problems at all with your pregnancy.

If you use common sense while using yoga during your pregnancy, you can't go wrong. Listen to your body. Don't push yourself into overdoing. You don't want to get over-tired or strain your muscles. It's not a marathon, but a way to prepare your body for pregnancy and childbirth.

Jude Wright is the owner of numerous home-related websites. Visit her yoga website at for more information on yoga.

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