Saturday, June 21, 2014

How to Find the Best Yoga DVD

There are many yoga training styles available today for home practice. When looking for the best yoga DVD for yourself if you are a beginner, then keep it simple. A lot of people want Ashtanga because they have heard the term often. The Ashtanga training method most often includes the eight aspects of yoga, as the name itself suggests in translation, eight limbs. Hence, for getting the best results from an Ashtanga yoga training DVD, one must get trained from an individual or institution with a good reputation.

This is very important, for any yoga training because the instructor should have proven expertise in all the aspects of yoga to pass it on to those viewing. It is also very important that the person presenting in any yoga DVDs should understand the safety measures involved in that they are not there directly with the student in the same room. We know we should not go beyond our limits but it is good to be reminded at the appropriate times and with certain exercises.

When one is in the hunt for the best DVD, it always pays to explore the review sites and to listen to what others say is good. There is no doubt that different teachers have different curriculum, but is more than likely that you will not be familiar with a particular teachers style when you order the DVD, so again, reputation, ratings and recommendations count.

Before getting going, know if you want a beginner yoga DVD or something that demands a higher level physically. For example, an Ashtanga yoga training course one is one of the most physically demanding styles of yoga if taught at an advanced level. It is always advised to consider one's physical limitations before determining on an Ashtanga yoga training or power yoga training as your first choice. However, if one is very keen on this method of yoga training, it is better to start with the beginner's level which involves basics like understanding the human body through the use of it and the impact of this style of training on the body, mind and spirit.

As discussed earlier, in typical methodology, you learn different sequences of body poses or asanas. Primary courses can include 70 or even higher number of asanas (or postures). Don't worry if you are beginning, you have to start some where. These asanas are connected with breathing sequences. The Vinyasa style is know to help connect the breath to the sequence which includes the timing of breathing in and out as one moves in between different asanas.

Most good yoga training films start with in-depth instructions. These instructions are about the primary practices of yoga. The purpose of these instructions is to increase a student's ability to apply adjustments to yoga moves. These sections which can include breath and meditation also aim at helping students in making their postures deeper and hence more rewarding.

It is also very nice if you get orientations on the names of the postures in Sanskrit. All the names in North America are known by there English names but the sound of the original Sanskrit has a special sound resonance in the body. It is also helpful if you learn during the course of the workout some of the advantages of different fundamental aspects like vinyasa, pranayama, drishti and mudras. The viewer can benefit greatly by getting a comprehensive idea on the fundamentals of yoga philosophy and translations of that for improvement of everyday life. Nevertheless, the best yoga DVDs also encourages students to continue their regular practices while preparing for taking what they have learnt into their daily lives.

Sherry Holistan is a Hatha, Vinyasa and Bakti Yoga Practitioner. For more great tips on finding the Best Yoga DVD for yourself, please visit

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