Sunday, April 14, 2013

Can I Fit A Fitness Program For Women Into My Schedule?

You know you need to exercise, you know you need to make time in your hectic schedule for you but, there just isn't any time for you and every time you try to carve out a little extra time for yourself something always seems to pop up and eliminate that extra few minutes you found. Lets face it, that time is not going to happen. Stop dreaming, It just make time go that much faster.

There is good news and bad news. You can do something about the exercise part but the "me' part." That's just never going to happen. Multi-tasking and time carving can get you into shape and keep you there with very little extra effort. Of course, it takes a little forethought to create workable exercises, but once you find alternatives to traditional exercise, you'll find hundreds of ways to do "no exercise" exercises.

Before you begin, you need to identify the various types of training your body requires for good health. To be fit you need cardio, strength and flexibility training. Flexibility training is necessary to prevent injury. Aerobic or cardiovascular training pushes your endurance and keeps you heart healthy. Finally, one area often overlooked by many women is strength training. This is weight lifting and spot exercise. Using weights for strength training helps prevent osteoporosis.

First, set up a schedule. Cardio training is something you will want to make an every day event. On the off days, you can work on your strength. Flexibility training should be part of every woman's daily life. It's nothing more than stretching and if the cat can do it in the morning, so can you. You could be doing it right now without being aware. If you've ever stretched your arms in the air after a long period of work and felt your muscles stretch, you've worked on your flexibility.

Quick Cardio Training:

Burst training is one of the newest and best forms of cardiovascular training. While you can ride a bike for a half hour every day to achieve results, you'll see it just as quickly in a few minutes every other day with burst training.

Burst training requires you move at your top exertion level for 30 to 60 seconds, then slow pace your movements for 30 to 60 seconds. You follow this pattern for four to 10 sets. If you're cooking supper, run in place at top speed, lifting your knees high for 30 seconds. Then walk at a slow pace for 30 seconds. During the slow-paced time, you can stir the food or the other tasks for supper. If your out of shape then start with doing 4 sets at 30 seconds fast and then 4 at a much slower pace. Work your way up to more seconds and more repetitions but never go beyond one minute at top speed per set, don't do more than 10 sets and only do this every other day. Your body needs recovery time.

Flexibility Training

While yoga is great for this type of training, attending a class several nights a week might not be possible. Flexibility training doesn't require a formal class, it simply requires that you stretch and warm up all muscles. If you're sitting in a private office, stand up occasionally and touch your toes. Before you do any burst training or strength training, stretch all the muscles you're going to use to warm them up.

Strength Training.

Strength training requires you put a little more stress on the body than normal. Most strength training in gyms requires you use weights. You can improvise at home or on the go. Make a few changes in how you do things. Carry those heavy bags of groceries instead of asking for help. For those that have a chair at work with strong arms, put your hands on the arms of the chair and lift yourself out of the seat. To make it more difficult, try to put your legs straight out in front of you, as Olympians do on the pommel horse.

It doesn't take much every day, just a schedule and some ideas, to get your body into shape and keep it there. If you can find time to go to yoga or a gym, that's great, but don't let lack of time, stop you from exercising. You can squeeze it in with a little creativity and forethought.

Don't let a fitness program dictate your life. At the authors web site there are various article on diet and weight loss as well as starting a fitness program for women.

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