Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Core Muscle Training As an Important Element in Muscle Building

What is referred to as the core is actually the abdominal wall musculature. This is the bridge in between the torso and the lower body. But why is there a need to develop and maintain the core? Well to put is simply, a strong core is your key in the prevention of injuries and back pain. So it's suggested to take the core as one of the primary body parts that should be developed when doing your muscle building.

Remember that any exercise that actually requires for the contraction of the muscles on the mid-section can do wonders for the body's core. Some of these exercises and muscle training exercises require no special equipment required can be very effective. So what are these training and exercises that you can do on your spare time, without the help of equipments? One exercise that you can do is abdominal bracing. For you to brace try imagining that you are pulling the navel towards the spine and hold that for at least 10 seconds. The push-ups are another tried and tested muscle training activities. These are old yet effective form of exercise that can strengthen the core. The side plank is another one, and this is a yoga move that can be started with the standard push up.

Another core exercise that can go well with weight training as well is the superman or the banana. The two are opposing exercises that can effectively engage the entire circumference of the core. Both of these moves should be held until you get tired.

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