Saturday, April 20, 2013

Why You Need an Exercise Routine

There are many people who can't wait to get up in the morning so they can do their daily 5 mile jog. Just so we are all on the same page - that's not me, and likely not a lot of you either. I respect those hardy warriors who brave the elements and exercise religiously every day. Unfortunately I have not gotten into that habit as of yet, but the reality is that I need to.

Something to keep in mind for all of us is that our health is really all we have. People have been saying that if you don't have your health you don't have much of anything else. How many television shows have we seen where the uber-rich person has a clinic with full time doctor and staff on beck and call in their mansion? They lost their health making zillions and are now spending it to get their health back.

We need to evaluate our priorities and decide once and for all what is really important. When you get right down to it, there really is quite a variety of exercises. They range anywhere from, swimming, biking to the simple jogging program or to working out on a rebounder in the comfort of your own home. After all you can play music, watch television, do self reflection while rebounding and still get the exercise needed to stay healthy.

The reality is that whenever we move our body we exercise. The issue is how much exercise we get depends on the type of movement we do. Cleaning the house for an hour will get us some exercise, but not nearly as much as running 10 miles in an hour or an hour spent lifting weights. Don't fool yourself into believing that just because you are moving you are losing weight or being healthy. It is better than lying around, but not as effective as it could be.

It really is true that people who exercise regularly, who get their heart rate up, who sweat, are healthier and better able to maintain their weight. While it is good to move and get exercise whenever and wherever you can it is even better to start and maintain a daily regular exercise routine. Most importantly to create one you will stick with. It is not possible to count on every day being an active day, most of us sit at a desk from 9 -5 then drive home, sit at the dinner table, then to chill we lie down to watch television before we go to sleep.

Find or develop your own routine. Your routine should include cardio, strength, and flexibility training. Find a program that you will enjoy which incorporates all three of these parts. For example: Yoga or stretching is good for the flexibility aspect. You can do jogging, running, dancing or swimming are good for the cardio aspect. For the strength training you could do weight training or lift free weights at home.

Now that you have agreed that exercise needs to be an integral part of your life, and you have developed a program you will enjoy and follow, all that is left is to start working your plan. The important thing to remember is that you need to break through the first 21-30 days. After that your workouts become a habit and will take a lot less effort on your part to continue.

Get determined, stay focused - and yes - push yourself for those first 30 days and you will be well on your way to improving your health and your attitude. That's right: Regular exercise triggers endorphins, the happy mind chemicals! It's a win-win.

Next, if you would like to find out more about how jogging can help you get in better shape, then please visit Beginner Jogging Tips now.

To learn more about incorporating exercise into making healthier lifestyle choices please visit Health Secrets Explained now.

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