Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Yoga - A Nonreligious Spirituality

Yoga can help generate a non-religious spiritual society that promotes simplicity, self-control and a rich social consciousness. When one limits yoga only as a practice of Asanas or postures, it ceases to be the catalyst of social good but remains a means for body health.

The Yogi learns that the mind itself has a higher state of existence, beyond reason, a super conscious state. When the mind gets to that higher state, then this knowledge, beyond reasoning comes to man.

Once a true Indian viewed a socio-economic and political problem in a different angle that of a spiritual problem. He fought against the seven deadly sins of the society based on this non-religious spirituality (politics without principles, wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity and worship/religion without sacrifice). In him, we find the true dignity of man of spiritual consciousness without the hues of material success.

There is a danger in stumbling upon the 'super conscious state' without understanding it. They are not 'trained' yogis. Inspired but stumbled up on the inspiration! Such men open themselves to hallucinations, brain being deranged, and promoting quaint superstitions along with their knowledge. They lead their followers to great evil of fanaticism, as it is evident in the political and religious history).

Yoga,if accepted and practiced in its original spirit, can invoke the dignified nature of man, against all forms of religious fanaticism, eradicating the inherent evil in individuals, thus help build a new generation in accordance with the yogic practices based on the principles of spiritual consciousness. Modern world at large is in a great need of such a social rejuvenation. In this growing market economy of greed and lust, which we blindly believe and portray as progress, it is high time to think differently, learning lessons from history and accepting Vedic wisdom as an example to the rest of the world. Yoga is a means to that end.

Dr. V.K. Subramanian transmits the message of the line of gurus to us, especially Parama Poojya Parama hamsa Parivrajakacarya Swami Sadananda Saraswathi in the following lines. "Yoga leads to spirituality and it controls the mind to the maximum extent. While aiming at spiritualization, we do not mean to neglect the utility of material life nor to underestimate it's importance, but to adopt the means through which material life can be sublimated into spiritual life.

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