Monday, June 17, 2013

4 Steps to a Tighter Stomach

Strong defined abs is one of the most sought after fitness goals. It tops the priority list of anyone seeking to lose weight and for good reason. The stomach is the focal point of the body and a good measure of one's overall fitness level. In order to flatten your belly, you must attack it from all angles. Diet or exercise alone will not do the trick, you will need to incorporate a series of key steps in order to maximize your results and get the tight mid-section that you are looking for.

Step 1: Restrict your calories. Technically everyone has abdominal muscles. If you didn't, simple movements like bending over or twisting would be impossible. The problem is that they are covered with a protective, fatty layer. So in order to reduce this fatty shell, you will need to be mindful of your food portions, make better food choices, and ultimately reduce the amount of calories you eat. Over time, this will force your body to rely on your fats as a source of fuel thereby making your stomach look tighter.

Step 2: Increase your cardiovascular output. Another good strategy to reduce the fatty shell hiding your nice strong abdominal muscles is by burning off more calories through additional cardio activity. Start with 30 minutes on most days of the week and increase your times each week until you can reach 1 hour. The more minutes you pile up on the treadmill, the more fat you will ultimately melt off. 

Step 3: Strength train with resistance. By working out with weights, you create more lean tissue. Muscle is metabolically active so the more muscle you have, the more calories your body will need to burn. Start with a full body workout targeting all of the major muscle groups a minimum of 3 times a week. As you improve you can start adding more exercises and getting more specific with your training. If you are just starting out, it would be a good idea to seek out a personal trainer to help you with your form and establish a solid routine for you to follow and ensure maximum results are achieved.

Step 4: Incorporate abdominal exercises as part of your new strength training routine. Working the stomach on a regular basis will build strength and stability in the stomach region. That way, as your fatty protective layer begins to dissolve, the muscles underneath will look strong and give you a more defined look in the stomach region.

Marc Lavender - Personal Trainer

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