Sunday, June 16, 2013

Resistance Training And Stress Relief

Working out, resistance training, exercise: what ever you CALL it that makes you Do it is fine, as long as you are doing it. If you are not, you may be loosing out on a great way to relieve some of that unnecessary stress.

Below I've listed some great was to relive stress through exercise.

1. Gaiam Balance Ball Resistance Workout Kit

It's a resistance band system that attaches right to your work out ball with straps. You have a stable surface to attached resistance bands for a great resistance training workout. If your loved one has a resistance ball, this is a great gift for giving them new ideas on how to use it. Great stress reliever.

2. Adjustable Dumbbells

You can find these from $50 on up to $250. You really don't need much, just enough to get your heart rate going. You can get adjustable dumbbells that go up to 25 lbs in 2.5 pound increments. They even have some that you can pack away and travel with.

3. Yoga

I know what some of you are saying.....well, you can stop it right now. If you've never done it.....well, let's just say with the breathing and stretching this could possily be the best of them all.

4. Old School Push Ups

They are free and they are a great exercise. You want to talk about resistance training, this is the original. Sometimes we have to go back to basics. Keep it simple. Get on the floor and commit to 10 every day for a week. Then 15 the next....then get it. It will not only relieve stress because of the physicality of it, you will get a great satisfaction out of completing your set each day. The best 3 minute stress relief around.

5. Jogging

Doesn't sound like resistance training in the traditional sense, but what it is resistance training for your heart. It makes you breath heavy meaning it resistance for you lungs. All of these are important for stress relief.

Everybody is different and we don't all like the same things, but all you need to do is find ONE thing that you can enjoy doing that will get you heart pumping and you will be on your way to reliving some of that stress.

To learn about stress relief, go to [] where you will find out everything you need to know about stress relief and much, much more!

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