Friday, June 21, 2013

Smart Abdominal Training

Contrary to popular belief ab exercises will not give you a toned tum. Actually, as counter intuitive as it seems, too many ab exercises can make your stomach appear larger. The reason behind this is that abs, trained like any other muscle group, will pack on muscle mass with strength training to fatigue and then rest.

Do not get me wrong, strong and balanced core muscles are a must have and ab exercises are a necessary component of any strength training program. However, the truth is, ab exercises build muscle, and cardiovascular exercises burns fat. Finding the right balance between losing the layer of fat covering abs, and toning the muscles so they show through are what it is all about.

Here are some tips to properly train for a flat, toned midsection:

1. You do not have to train abs everyday

Even though the abdominal is an endurance muscle (meaning, they are used for stamina, not strength or power) they still need 48 hours to rest like any other muscle, to build and repair to promote growth and change.

2. Other exercises adequately train abs

Any exercises that require balance will train your core. This includes dancing, yoga, push ups, squats, lunges, and many sports. Reduce the amount of abs training if you participate in many physical activities.

3. Reduce the amount of weight bearing crunches

Some people do crunches with weights, whether it is on the cable pulley, holding a weight plate or doing side bends. This of course is great, but to minimize the abs from putting on too much muscle, limit these exercises in favour of body weight core exercises such as bridges, planks and traditional crunches and all of the variations.

Use these tips in combination with cardio for a tight tummy and balanced physique.

Happy Exercising!

Kaleena Lawless
Personal Training Specialist

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