Sunday, June 16, 2013

Secrets to Fast and Effective Weight Loss

Obesity is on the rise in America today. Fast food seems to be the diet of choice for many Americans. It is hard to find the time to eat right. Stressful jobs cause many people to gain belly fat around their middles. Many people complain about wanting to find the miracle diet pill that will solve all their problems. The truth is, there is no miracle diet pill. But, there truly are simple steps that can be followed that will enable people to effectively lose weight in a short period of time.

The first step is to develop a new mindset. A person has to stop thinking about having to go on a diet to lose weight. It's not about "being on a diet". It's more about making changes and choosing healthier options.

The second step is to eat five small meals a day, combining protein with carbohydrates. People should strive to eat lean protein such as chicken, turkey and fish on a daily basis. They should limit red meat to just once or twice a week.

It is important to follow portion sizes. Many times people try to count calories. This can be very tedious and time consuming. It is much easier to follow the portion sizes. Try to include as many fresh fruits and vegetables in with protein and starches, this will help you to feel full and satisfied. You won't be as tempted to eat unhealthy snacks.

Drink plenty of water. Water helps to flush out toxins in the body and keep your metabolism running smoothly. A person should aim for at least 6-8 glasses of water a day.

Exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Alternate between strength training, aerobic exercise and cardio workouts. This will help to make sure that all muscle groups are being utilized. Try to do something fun that you enjoy and switch it up. This can include: brisk walking, yoga, pilates, hip hop dancing, salsa dancing, strength training with resistance bands, light weights and exercise balls. Take small steps such as parking further away and walk that distance to a store or work. Take the stairs instead of the elevator every day; it really does make a difference. Exercise first thing in the morning. Exercising on an empty stomach helps to kick start your metabolism and burns up to 400 times more fat than exercising after eating a full meal.

Nutritional supplements should be used in conjunction with diet and exercise to enhance weight loss. It should not be the expectation that supplements are the only thing needed. There may be diet pills out there that help a person lose weight on a short term basis. The problem is once the person stops taking them, the weight lost is gained back if not more. Changing your eating habits and exercising on a regular basis are really the key to effective weight loss.

By following these simple steps, it is possible for someone to effectively lose weight in a short period of time and keep it off by continuing to follow the steps on a daily basis. That's really all there is to it to live a happier and healthier life.


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